Culturally, the western church has become subservient to the state. When I checked with all the local chapels, all but one were requiring a state license to perform a CHRISTIAN ceremony. That is a contradiction to instructions in the New Testament!
Not only is it wrong, further it is a corporal sin of the entire church body.
Ephesians says that Man will leave parents and be joined to his wife. Another reason Mom and I had conflicts with church doctrine. Now it has come directly to affect me.
In this state, unless you apply for and possess a STATE license, the "marriage" is defined by common law, which is a traditional history of at least 7 years together.
According to church doctrine, this is sin. But! The church defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The issue of marriage in the New Testament, is diametrically opposed to the doctrine of the state. Obviously this isn't the only opposition between the two, but the point is...that by my research, marriage is defined by God, NOT THE STATE!
Marriage in the OT was a Hebraic cultural process, but in the NT, it changes radically from that to the SPIRITUAL Israel, which includes the CHURCH. As you know, the Bible supercedes all state regulations, laws, and governmental mandates. None of us has a problem with that.
The issue is, as I see it, not the actual ruling on it, but the perception of the members of the CHURCH, who are quite frequently given to murmuring, gossip, and lying. Each of which is, in my mind, worse than the common law practice across the south. Most common law unions are of convenience, not Scriptural, but the Biblical mandate in Ephesians 5
We as the CHURCH would do well to keep that in mind, since a minister by law, CANNOT pronounce a man and woman as MARRIED unless they have the PAPER from the county!
My study on this produced, well, shocking findings, which I had not faced before. The union of a committed man and woman, as Natalya and I have already done by statement and will, completes the instruction before God.
In essence, all I need do, according to Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:7, and Ephesians 5:31 man shall leave parents and cleave to his wife. Other than the Hebraic custom of betrothal and ceremonies, the NT simply says "cleave unto his wife". The process of marriage in the church therefore, is an add on to the Scripture. In other words, outside of the cultural mores, the church made up its own rules and "doctrine" about marriage.
In fact, it gets worse. Unless a couple in the United States GETS a state license, they are considered to be living in adultery. No one would argue that you need a church ceremony if you have a STATE license. This is also against Scripture! In fact, the State says you MAY NOT call yourselves married UNLESS you DO have their license. Again, against Scripture!!
So what is a marriage, assuming one man and one woman. If you read the above passages, which historically, would date back to Adam and Eve, God marries the couple by the act of their union and the life commitment.
The Jewish process, the church process and the state process are to varying degrees, in opposition to Scripture. Jews leaned more on the cultural ceremony than the actual union before God. The church is mandated by the state to not perform a wedding UNLESS the pastor is both ordained and obtains the license from the couple. The state, it goes without saying, is merely waving off and demanding submission from the church, thereby being in direct opposition to the Bible. Nice.
I am however, proceeding with a ceremony with Natalya, as soon as possible, within 20 hours, to commit before God, although merely committing, and union are the strict result of all the Scriptures I listed. saying the words to each other is the vocal witness before God.
As you know, I am not a traditionalist except when it comes to Christmas. Mom and I both bucked the system throughout our marriage. Both of us believed the church was out of order in many respects. So, in order that gossip may not erupt around what Natalya and I do, we will submit to the eyes of family, friends, and state, to first have a ceremony, then apply for the state license and when we have the money, get married in a church wedding. Natalya and I have discussed this at length. Russia only requires the state license, though the cost is quite high and great numbers of people there live in common law unions. There is less divorce in Russia than here in the US.
Natalya is arriving on the afternoon of the 15th. I will ask her again, to marry me, and give her a ring. This too, is a result of custom, not Scripture. And we will, if a chapel will be open get a ceremony of commitment before our union.
I must say, after studying this topic in detail and calling the chapels, I am really disappointed in the church!
As I understand it, we can, in our house, do the ceremony of commitment with God as our witness.