Recommended mods for Deep Rock Galactic


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member

This post is reserved for recommendations for mods for Deep Rock Galactic.

Please reply with any recommendations and I can add them to this post.
Before I provide recommendations, I want to provide alot of information for folks unfamiliar with how mods work for the game, Deep Rock Galactic. For those that are familiar, they can skip this post and look further below.

Deep Rock Galactic has modding available to use when playing on the PC version of the game. Console versions unfortunately are unlucky, and it is not likely anytime in the future that modding will come to DRG console platforms. BUT, We have seen in the past some small things in the modding community get brought over into the actual game, so it's certainly possible some things could one day become part of the core gameplay.

Modding in DRG is done through the website, where there is a dedicated Deep Rock Galactic tab to peruse the available mods. An account will need to be made in order to install mods. the process to add mods to the game is seamless itself, simply navigate on either in-game or just through the website, subscribe to ones you like, and they will be installed after loading or resetting the lobby ("disband from team" also resets the lobby regardless if no one else is in your lobby).

Mods come in three categories; Verified, Approved, and Sandbox. Verified mods are client-side only. they will only be visible to the user and no one else, although how they interact with the user can cause them to appear strange or move oddly when viewed by other players. Approved mods typically require that all players in the lobby must download the mod (some don't however), but are permitted by the "higher-ups" to not impact the game so greatly that they interrupt the state of progression for the user(s). Sandbox mods require that all users must install the mod on a separate savefile copy to play it, such to avoid causing the user's main savefile to be overleveled or have resources unfairly gained when playing the game as intended.

These categories can be viewed amongst the tags of a mod when viewing the page of said mod. I will also provide the category level of all the mods I recommend.

When using mods, they must be toggled on within the menu while in the Space Rig lobby, and reset the lobby by applying them in the modding menu tab in order for them to be active. You cannot configure mods while in the middle of a mission, as the modding menu becomes uninteractable and appears blank to avoid issues. Also whenever another player joins your lobby, YOU CAN NOT INTERACT WITH YOUR MODDING MENU. If you want to spend time fiddling with mods without worry of someone joining your lobby, you can open the missions map with Tab in the lobby, navigate to any biome, select any mission, and select 'Solo' to prevent other players from joining your lobby. Of course, temporarily going invisible on Steam is also an option.

When joining another player's lobby, all Approved or sandbox mods will be forcibly turned off, and only the approved (or sandbox) mods the host is running on their lobby will be active, and require the users joining to have those mods downloaded. This should NOT automatically make these mods get turned on every time, and when you leave a user's lobby, your mod settings should be returned to how you will have them toggled.

Like with all modding, updates to the game itself can break various coding, and if the people maintaining the mods you have subscribed to don't update them accordingly, they may still work, or they may break entirely. The game has a detection to notify players in their modding menu if they are not updated to the most current version of the game. many mods can still work despite this, for now. There is a toggle to auto-deactivate outdated mods, which is recommended to keep on; however, there are some mods I recommend that will be outdated but still fully usable. It can be trial and error sometimes to see what still works.

Additionally, when applying updates for mods that have received them, THEY WILL RE-ACTIVATE AUTOMATICALLY. This is significantly likely to cause your game to crash, depending on the amount of changes the mod(s) are making to the game. Upon crashing, re-running DRG should make all the mods be turned off at the start, but check to make sure. IF YOU DID NOT CRASH, consider rechecking your modding menu to make sure everything is checked on or off as you want it to be. And if there is a mod that you ended up installing when joining a lobby you would rather not have be activated again in the future by an automatic update, simply go into, check your mod subscriptions, and unsubscribe from the ones you wish to remove.

Lastly, you may boot up the game and come to find that your mods aren't running as you start playing a mission. It is good to try to always check your modding tab in the menu when you first start the game, and check if any mods had gotten an update that would have caused them to be deactivated initially on startup. A dependencies update bar on the bottom will appear and check all installed mods for updates; if it goes away, nothing needed being updated, if it stays green, it means there are mods that need updates. Sometimes DRG just boots up strangely. A reset of the lobby, or closing the game and restarting it usually can fix things.
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This post is where I will provide recommendations.

I have plenty of mods to recommend (apparently so many I have to split this into TWO posts!), and I will sort them into different tiers for simplicity and organization. The Mods I recommend are largely visual, audio and UI improvements, mostly useful, some funny, and some other mods that are simply good QoL or beneficial for allowing beyond the maximum number of players to join a lobby to allow for freer gameplay. I'm always on the lookout for more good mods, and even found some I'll have to test thoroughly before recommending them while writing this post. Check back to see if I've posted more in the future! :)

Important note: There are/were alot of fantastic mods for this game that have sadly been left behind due to their creators leaving the modding scene, never to return and update them for the game. I will attempt to only recommend mods that currently are being kept up to date, but they may not work in the future.

I won't spam this post with links, but all listed mods at the time of writing this are available to find simply by typing the name into the Deep Rock Galactic search bar on

=Most Recommended Mods=

- Reduced E holding, by privateal [Category:Approved]
You'll find almost no DRG Sherpa in CGA that won't be using this approved mod. It pristinely shaves off time holding E on superfluous chores while keeping time-sensitive interactions the same time needed, like repairing pipelines and Doretta, or resupplying from the supply pod.

- More Players Balanced, by SipcoGamingGuild [Category:Approved]
If you plan to host a lobby in CGA, it's a good idea to offer to have this mod installed as the host. It allows for more than 4 players to join a lobby and play missions together. It is recommended to also install the "Mod Hub" mod to have access to available adjustments.

- Death Marker, by iDRG [Category:Verified]
Displays a holographic visual above players that are downed, allowing their location to be much more clearly seen amidst a swarm of glyphids or hiding amidst tall grasses.

- Steeve and Bot Better Visibility, by iDRG [Catgory:Verified]
Provides better visibility to the player where ally glyphids or robots are located, giving them a clear outline and surrounding particle effects. Helps you identify more clearly at a glance if Steeve is dead.

- Shield Expiration Colors, by Chancellors & iCameTheRainbow [Catgory:Verified]
Adjusts the Gunner's placeable shield to show different colors to indicate how close it is before running out and disappearing.

=Useful QoL Mods=

- Speedster, by GoldBl4d3 [Category:Approved]
I do not personally use this, but many other DRG Sherpas do. This allows the player hosting to set the speed at which Molly and Bosco move around, from Null to SoFastYou'llBlinkAndYou'llMissIt. This Mod does require the "Mod Hub" mod to also be installed.

- Drillevator Health, by iCameTheRainbow [Category:Verified]
Useful so you can have a clear visual of how close to jamming the Drillevator engine nodules are.

- Brighter Objects, by iDRG [Category:Verified]
makes it so all minerals and secondary objects are just a little brighter. It can be frustrating to try and find scattered alien fossils or a booloo cap hiding behind some terrain, or if that Gold chunk was actually mined out; gaming is meant to be fun, not frustrating :)

- Combined Resources, by TheFuriousFish [Category:Verified]
Wondering what your teammates are holding? This mod shows the total resources being held by all players in the party. works with the "More players Balanced" mod, but to tweak settings you would need the "Mod Hub" mod and the "DRGLib" mod.

- Better Explosion Range Indicator, by iDRG [Category:Verified]
for Driller's C4; an extremely nice QoL to have a better idea of not just where the edge of the main explosion radius is, but also if any fellow dwarves are inside it, the color automatically changes. It also can show if the Driller equipped the Volatile Compound mod, helping you know to avoid, or shoot, the C4. NOTE: I have personally succumbed to many a death for believing I was outside the range of the C4 before detonating it, killing myself. Consider the sphere as a guide, not as a guaranteed radial visual.

- Ammo Percentage Indicator, by neropatti [Category:Verified]
By default, DRG provides players with a visual indicator under their class icon UI of 4 white bars each representing 25% of their total ammo capacity. This is still not nearly as useful as being able to check your weapon and support tools on the spot how much ammo they have at a glance with this mod, allowing you to make smart decisions on when to use the 50% ammo resupply slot.

- Damage Text, by Gorflow [Category: Verified]
This is useful not just for gauging how much damage you are doing and figuring out break limits on enemies; You can also utilize this to identify where enemies are when behind walls; this is particularly useful as engineer or gunner using secondary weapons that can fire through terrain.
There are some folks who may find that the "Damage Indicator 2" mod is better for them, either for the customization it offers or the potential offset of strain this one might cause on fps. Check around and see what's right for you.

- Health and Shield Numbers, by Gorflow [Catgory:Verified]
Did you know your shield value is far less than your health value? this provides tiny numbers next to your Shield and health HUD to help you keep track a little better of your overall survivability.

- More HP Bars, by Thai81910 [Category:Verified]
No, this is not a clone mod of the others above. THIS one adds HP bars to things that would previously never show one (still only when damaging them!), such as plantlife. This can help particularly on Hollow Bough when trying to pickaxe away annoying creeper vines.

- Weapon Heat Crosshair, by DrTurtle [Category:Verified]
Useful for providing visual central-screen indicators of how close to overheating your weapon is reaching while using it. Unlike other mods, the "Mod Hub" and "DRGLib" mods MUST be installed for this to run, according to its creator.
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=Personal Enjoyment Mods=

- Xmas Zips, by minomess [Category:Verified]
This is not a joke mod! Ziplines in the game can be very hard to see in the caves, and having a raving glowing rainbow line really helps to see them. However, many also object to the visual clash this can cause to the aesthetic of the game's atmosphere, so this is not considered in the tier above.

- 枪手护盾特效替换/Modified gunner shield effect, by 刻痕 [Category:Verified]
This beloved mod updates the look of the gunner shield to look stunningly pretty, but also functionally MUCH easier to see through as well. it works alongside the "Shield Expiration Colors" mod!

- Dynamic Cylinder Swap (Bulldog Revolver), by Imyr [Category:Verified]
This visual mod changes the model of the first-person view of the Gunner's Magnum revolver, so the chamber reflects the clip size assigned by mods and overclocks for the weapon. It's such a minor thing you might never notice it, but it is nice to look at when you do.

- One-Click Promotion, by 道明寺樱 [Category:Verified]
Tired of walking to the memorial hall every time to promote your dwarf? This reduces that all to what it says on the tin. Does require the "Mod Hub" mod to work.

- 50 Nitra Resupply Pods, by NaturalBornCamper & Sesselpots [Category:Approved]
There are many mods that change the amount of nitra required to call down a resupply pod. I find that 50 is comfortable for me; it's also useful when using the "more players balanced" mod, if you don't want to bother with the nitra adjustment value in the settings as I prefer not to. Some of my friends prefer the 60 nitra mod instead, and some others believe it to be a mod that ruins the state of flow of the game. To each their own :3

- Pink Sugar, by pumPCin [Category:Verified]
This simple mod, though quite old, merely changes the color of red sugar to pink; there are alot of other mods that can change many resources to different colors. The reason I use this one is simply to help identify red sugar from nitra chunks at a peripheral glance when running from enemy swarms.

- Where's Dotty's Head?!, by Punisher9182 [Category:Verified]
This mod has often been finicky to work (given it hasn't been updated for S5), but when it does, it's a nice little QoL. after Doretta finishes the drilling job, this mod makes holding CTRL show her head as an outline. It doesn't work when others are holding her head though.

- Better Spectator, by AssemblyStorm [Category:Verified]
This mod is rather old and so there are some potential niche issues, but I still really like this mod, and prefer to keep it activated whenever possible. it does require the use of the "Mod Hub" mod to work. Makes it so you can zoom out when spectating, and I mean WAAAYYY out. Perhaps a little game-breaking, but when you PvE, aren't you basically going against the game anyways? :7

=Humorously Silly Mods=

- Hurricane Goes "Woo", by RogueReaver [Category:Verified]
This silly mod changes audio files of all the sfx the Gunner's Hurricane weapon makes with noises the Gunner himself can make when doing the reload taunt, and other voice lines to match explosions. "WOOOOOoooooosssshhhhhh..... BEWM~!"

- Boolo Blast Juicebox, by HandDrawnNerd [Category:Verified]
changes the reviving canteen into a friendly juicebox, perfect for perking up your teammates! :3 :3

- Metroid Item Pickup for Lost Events, by HateThisSite [Category:Verified]
It doesn't always work perfectly, but 85% of the time, hearing this jingle is nostalgic and brings a warmth to the heart amidst a tough mission.

- Dig Dug Driller, by Trainguyxx [Category:Verified]
I will never stop talking about how fun it is to hear all the Dig Dug Arcade sfx in this mod with the Driller's drills. It just brings a smile everytime I hear it.

- Miracle's Magnificent M.U.L.E.s and More, by Miracoulon [Category:Verified]
This bulky visual-change mod requires the "Miracle Mod Manager" mod to work. What it does is add a new station next to the Bosco upgrade terminal that lets you customize how the M.U.L.E. and nearly all other DRG-called-down equipment looks when in missions, even being able to make them change depending on class or biome or mission-type. Sometimes it doesn't work, but 19 times out of 20 it's still worked to the best of my knowledge. Just unfortunate that its developer seems to have encountered some souring history with the DRGmodding community.