Realm Forum Hate


New Member
After Gnimish posted the "Redeemed looking for MC help" thread on the Stonemaul realm forums, people seemed to jump on their chance to make fun and insult Christianity. But we know this will happen because Christ predicted it. So i just wanna give everyone some words of encouragement:

1. The world hates us because we belong to Christ, and not the world.

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:18-19

2. We should rejoice at this fact, because we are in life; Also we should standout from the world by our love.

"Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you. We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death" 1John 3:13-14

3. Even though the world hates us, we are still called to love them back; And we are called to not mistreat, judge, insult them in response.

"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." Luke 6:27-28

I just wanted to leave everyone with this encouragement, for anyone who read those forums and got discouraged.
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I've found that thread rather amusing so far, I hope it keeps going. To be fair, we have had a decent number of supportive posts, and the majority of the flaming has come from wussy alts. As a christian guild, if we weren't ruffling a few feathers, it would probably mean that we weren't doing our job.
Thank you for your words of encouragement Amaziah. Alot of us "long timers" with Redeemed have been through this stuff before and we have pretty broad backs, with lots of room for water to run off. Some of us were even admins on counterstrike servers. The key thing is not to take anything personally, even if somebody tries to make it personal.
Shadetaker, you are very correct.

Redeemed is known as a Christian guild. Not only on Stonemual, but on dozens others as well. We have had articles on the net that feature us, gaming blogs that feature us and some have done interviews with big name gaming sites such as gamespy and gamespot (although I don't know what ever became of them).

The leadership in ToJ and in Redeemed (current and past, myself included) have never shy'ed away from standing up for Christianity and Jesus Christ when the time came (comes). Our first ever sets of bible studies attracked so much negative attention that there were video's of people trying to disrupt them circulating around the web.

We've got the attention of alot of people, for good and for bad, we are under a microscope everytime one of us logs on.
Wow. Those forums were really something else. Reading those really put a lot of things in perspective for me as a Christian. It really broke my heart to see what some of those people had to say and made me realize what Christianity has become. Its horrible that people think of Christians the way they do these days. Knowing what the majority of society thinks about Christians really makes want to get out and do something about it.
At least I don't have to fight lions any more...

Or hide in homes and sing in whispers so the government does not take me to jail and beat me.
Icthus said:
At least I don't have to fight lions any more...

Or hide in homes and sing in whispers so the government does not take me to jail and beat me.

... especially since there are a great many places in today's world where that is the Christian experience. In fact there have been more Christian martyrs in the last 100 years than in all of the rest of the 1900 years prior.
Yeah we definitly take for granted how good we have it in America, when it comes to Christian persecution. I can't speak for Canada... Goblit????;)
I can't think of any examples of Christianity being supported in this country.....what with our "Winter Celebrations" not Christmas concerts, bibles banned from public schools (book of Mormon is ok though), gay marriages etc. Does being sent to a phsychiactric ward to be deprogramed for witnessing to your friends in high school count? Haven't seen anyone stoned to death yet, or dragged to jail....but I thought I heard someone singing from across the street on Saturday.....they all come in suits all dressed up, with their families too...I thought it was Amway I wonder.
Goblit said:
I can't think of any examples of Christianity being supported in this country.....what with our "Winter Celebrations" not Christmas concerts, bibles banned from public schools (book of Mormon is ok though), gay marriages etc. Does being sent to a phsychiactric ward to be deprogramed for witnessing to your friends in high school count? Haven't seen anyone stoned to death yet, or dragged to jail....but I thought I heard someone singing from across the street on Saturday.....they all come in suits all dressed up, with their families too...I thought it was Amway I wonder.

So, say you're a Christian and you want to take your Bible to school with're saying it's illegal?

Slowly, gay marriage is creeping it's way into America, even though Americans vote it down by a vast majority. But then a Judge and a lawsuit reverse what the voters put into place.

Lately, at my job, the Christians have been getting together during our break time and reading a book called Jesus Freaks. It's about Christians who were persecuted for being Christians. Some of the stories are quite old, but some are not. It's opened my eyes to the fact that, we have it pretty good here in North America. Europe probably isn't that bad either. But in the predominatly Muslim nations, people can still be put to death for being a Christian, either by the government or by people who feel it is their 'religious' duty to kill a Christian. And the killers know they won't get put in jail for it.

So, we may get heckled on forums or even in person. But we don't typically, have to worry about physical harm. So let us live for Christ, and pray for those who live across the world and face, on a daily basis, dying for Christ.
I am confused about the MC help thread. We are about to start MC trash run soon, is it going to be <Redeemed> only, or are we taking help from those that responded to the thread?

When people level to 60 in the guild will they have to wait in line behind nonRedeemed members?
ewoksrule said:
I am confused about the MC help thread. We are about to start MC trash run soon, is it going to be <Redeemed> only, or are we taking help from those that responded to the thread?

When people level to 60 in the guild will they have to wait in line behind nonRedeemed members?

I think who ever is leading the run is looking for help outside of the guild since with the numbers right now that can't field a well balanced 40 man group. (We may have the numbers but can all 40 be on at the same time?)
ewoksrule said:
I am confused about the MC help thread. We are about to start MC trash run soon, is it going to be <Redeemed> only, or are we taking help from those that responded to the thread?

When people level to 60 in the guild will they have to wait in line behind nonRedeemed members?

Alot of the nonguildies in the list are actually alts of guildies past or present. Most are coming just to help us out and get us running. There are a few nonguildies who are running with us, and although they won't have priority over Redeemed.....neither will the opposite be true. That being said, at first we will be signing if you sign up get to come. Redeemed members have until Tuesday night and then the runs will be open to all on the team Eternity list. The team may eventually become set...that hasn't been decided yet.