

Active Member

I have now played 4 ranked games and sit 3-1. Strangely, I have not played the champ I was grooming to play, Noc.

How long will it take to get placed in a bracket or level thing.

Also, any advice as I start out?
10 games gets you seated in a division and level.
Tough after that as you may get stuck with some real yahoos, like the one that feed and ended up only with 6 pr of boots in the game that helped me get demoted...
bronze is super easy, however, pretty sure 90-100 LP + a 5 game series is pretty hard, i recommend jungling to get to gold :D
I have played two games so far. It seems I need to do one of two or three things maybe all-

1. Get really awesome to carry a team.
2. Learn to type really fast so I can coach up my team for wins.
3. Get lucky with random teams.
I have played two games so far. It seems I need to do one of two or three things maybe all-

1. Get really awesome to carry a team.
2. Learn to type really fast so I can coach up my team for wins.
3. Get lucky with random teams.

1. Jungling well carries a team even if they are bad, so does AP midding well, at a bronze level I would assume that mid would be better because people don't pay attention to ganks, but inversely, not everyone in bronze is going to be warding properly, so ganking is easy as a jungler.

2. No one takes kindly to coaching even if you are polite and friendly.

3. LoL in general when you aren't Qing as 5...
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Good luck Icthus its not easy. My friend is currently working his way up solo que and says he's had alot of success offering to play whatever role the other plays don't want to. That way everyone is playing someone they are probably good at. That also means your building your skills on a variety of roles, thus becoming the greatest team player ever! Also you'll understand more of the game.

Jungle isn't a bad place to start, you build around your team and you learn to watch the map. Good luck, going into a ranked game of my own.

Icthus did you wanna play some games together sometime? Would be willing to give some pointers. Have helped a few friends of mine get out of bronze. I'm only silver myself but willing to help where I can.
What network connection issues are you currently experiencing?

Do you use comcast for internet by chance?
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No, there was an issue a minority of us were having with random disconnects from the PvP server. We would drop either in champ select or in game. The last patch seemed to fix it. There was a thread in the forums. They told us to use a work around, but I was not willing to use it. It basically had you disabling your windows internet protocol and using an older version.

Things are better now, at least last night I could finish a game for the first time in a week.
As far as I'm aware, we are still on the patch version that introduced all those drops. I went ahead and disabled the IPv6 helper service for the workaround. IPv6 still hasn't caught on at all, so it won't matter. My main issue with playing ranked these days is my terrible ISP. Windstream drops me randomly for 30 seconds to a minute at a time. Some games I won't have issues, others I'll be dropped every 5 minutes.