Rangers workage



Next time Rangers, next time.
gj rangers.. can cresh or zealot send me a full report of the scrim. You know what im after...
I would just like to say that my pass would not work again today and I don't know why! I tried to get onto the practice last night also and my pass wouldn't work then either!!! Not sure what the deal is....I think Space Ghost was sayin that he was hiving some problems with the password last time as well, so if someone could let me know what the deal is with the pass I would appreciate it.
well, someone changed the password at first, then right before we started i changed it back to the pass that rizz told everyone... so that one is on me chik dont worry 'bout it ;-)
While I missed the first round, I did happen to record most of the second round on de_train. You can find it in the new Counter-Strike demos section on our web site.

It's a HLTV demo, so you should be able to change viewpoints at will while viewing.

I'll try to attend and spectate these scrimmages whenever possible so I can record and upload demos. That way, you all can go back and discuss what you did right and what you did wrong.
who liked my scout/awp?

snipety snipety

God Bless
Hey chiknpunk I was having probs to logging on and I thought it was the password. If you are using the server spy thingy on the toj.cc website it wont log you on (part of the reason i was late) you need to use either hl or gamespy.
Yeh i recommend u all get HLSW and use the password feature on that.

*goes to watch the demo*