New Member
This is old from wotlk, but has some good info in it, so I'm going to leave it as a sticky.
For current raiding policy and performance goals, see this thread:
Raid Ready
*****Edited by Flamethrøwer*****
While cleaning up the forums, this thread has been merged with several others. While some topics may be dated (current instances/gear items), the policies remain the same. Please also note that from this point until we begin raiding in Cataclysm, there will be no official Redeemed raids, and no one is restricted from leading or PUGing any raids.
From Shadowbill's Post in the General Forums:
"Every time a new expansion comes out we make a few raiding changes in the weeks leading up to the release of the new expansion. This time around is no different.
We are basically doing the same thing we did before WOTLK came out.
There will no longer be any official Redeemed raids, vet status is being suspended and all veteran members are being demoted back to member rank, EPGP will be suspended, and the rules about PUGs and leading raids are changing.
1. No more official Redeemed raids.
2. No more EPGP. Any run led by an officer will use rolls to decide who gets loot.
3. Veteran status is being removed for now and will be re-implemented once Cataclysm raiding begins. You will have to re-earn vet status if you want it again.
4. Any Redeemed member can lead/PUG any raid. If you want to start a Redeemed 10 man, feel free! It is basically wide open for whatever we want to do. Some Redeemed officers/raid leaders will still lead raids randomly throughout the week, but no one has to feel they need to save themselves for anything and can run/lead/pug any raid they want to. If you feel like it you are more than welcome to start a raid and advertise in guild chat for it (just don't overdo it.. no one likes spam).
This change is happening immediately. As of this posting official Redeemed raiding is over for Wrath of the Lich King! Great job guys! It was a lot of fun "
*****End edit*****
Redeemed Raiding Summary (if you read just one post about raid policy, read this one at the top)
Important Raid Links
Gear Guidelines
Why a raid policy?
Raiding is a part of the game that requires commitment, cooperation, and planning. It involves 9 or 24 others players, all working together. It requires leadership. It requires teamwork. This document is about how, as Redeemed, we run raids as we try to balance giving as many interested players the chance to participate in raids with the (often diametrically opposite) goal of having making end-game progress. Maintaining raiding balance is a struggle: see Icthus's A Word on Raiding
Types of raids and when they happen
Scheduled raids are ones where our guild raiding is focused, including farm content that reliably yield dead bosses and upgrade gear and progression content that tests the guild's ability to down bosses. Guildies should not create their own runs of these raids and Veterans should not run them with PuGs or other guilds.
Tues / 25 man ICC
Thur / 10 man ICC (hopefully, multiple teams)
Fri / Casual raid night
Mon / Raid continuation night (either 10/25 man ICC)
NON PUGGABLE RAIDS FOR VETS: ICC 10, ICC 25, VAULT (unless after Fri or released to do so by raid leaders)
Raid schedule. For up-to-date raid schedules, check out guild's calendar in-game or within Armory. Raids are scheduled at 6 p.m Server Time on some or all of the following nights: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday. We do not generally raid on Wednesdays (Bible study) or Saturday/Sunday (family and church). Friday is our established "open raid' night where we are as inclusive about invites as possible. Raids on other nights are generally more selective, but check the raid calendar for content (and it will ultimately be up the the raid leader that night). Raids typically end at 10 p.m. ST, but may stop earlier or later depending on the availability and sleepiness of the raiders.
[*]The guild's raiding is currently focused on ICC 10/25 (for progression and EPGP) and Toc 10/25 (for farming, gearing and learning raid teamwork). To maximize your chances at getting in a Redeemed raid, you should not pug ICC until after Friday, to avoid being raid-locked out of a potential open opportunity.
Non-scheduled raids are ones that are not currently on our guild's raiding calendar. Guild pugs may occur, or a guildie may organize one of these. Generally these raids will not earn or cost EPGP and are usually free roll. Any guildie is free to participate in any PuG or non-Redeemed run for any of these raids, or to start their own (although not during times where schedule raids are starting up).
Our non-scheduled raids are:
How to contribute as a raid member
How to get in a raid
Much of Redeemed's raid policy was developed and written by Mordos ... it was subsequently adapted, refined, wordsmithed, and otherwise messed around with by Goodwone and Angryson, Gilga provided secretarial services at 10 copper/hour, and many of Redeemed's raiding policies were developed in practice by Avesther, Goblit, Ugsneak, Samboe, Fjorboug, Icthus, Treebranch, and many others.
For current raiding policy and performance goals, see this thread:
Raid Ready
*****Edited by Flamethrøwer*****
While cleaning up the forums, this thread has been merged with several others. While some topics may be dated (current instances/gear items), the policies remain the same. Please also note that from this point until we begin raiding in Cataclysm, there will be no official Redeemed raids, and no one is restricted from leading or PUGing any raids.
From Shadowbill's Post in the General Forums:
"Every time a new expansion comes out we make a few raiding changes in the weeks leading up to the release of the new expansion. This time around is no different.
We are basically doing the same thing we did before WOTLK came out.
There will no longer be any official Redeemed raids, vet status is being suspended and all veteran members are being demoted back to member rank, EPGP will be suspended, and the rules about PUGs and leading raids are changing.
1. No more official Redeemed raids.
2. No more EPGP. Any run led by an officer will use rolls to decide who gets loot.
3. Veteran status is being removed for now and will be re-implemented once Cataclysm raiding begins. You will have to re-earn vet status if you want it again.
4. Any Redeemed member can lead/PUG any raid. If you want to start a Redeemed 10 man, feel free! It is basically wide open for whatever we want to do. Some Redeemed officers/raid leaders will still lead raids randomly throughout the week, but no one has to feel they need to save themselves for anything and can run/lead/pug any raid they want to. If you feel like it you are more than welcome to start a raid and advertise in guild chat for it (just don't overdo it.. no one likes spam).
This change is happening immediately. As of this posting official Redeemed raiding is over for Wrath of the Lich King! Great job guys! It was a lot of fun "
*****End edit*****
Redeemed Raiding Summary (if you read just one post about raid policy, read this one at the top)
Important Raid Links
Gear Guidelines
Why a raid policy?
Raiding is a part of the game that requires commitment, cooperation, and planning. It involves 9 or 24 others players, all working together. It requires leadership. It requires teamwork. This document is about how, as Redeemed, we run raids as we try to balance giving as many interested players the chance to participate in raids with the (often diametrically opposite) goal of having making end-game progress. Maintaining raiding balance is a struggle: see Icthus's A Word on Raiding
Types of raids and when they happen
Scheduled raids are ones where our guild raiding is focused, including farm content that reliably yield dead bosses and upgrade gear and progression content that tests the guild's ability to down bosses. Guildies should not create their own runs of these raids and Veterans should not run them with PuGs or other guilds.
Tues / 25 man ICC
Thur / 10 man ICC (hopefully, multiple teams)
Fri / Casual raid night
Mon / Raid continuation night (either 10/25 man ICC)
NON PUGGABLE RAIDS FOR VETS: ICC 10, ICC 25, VAULT (unless after Fri or released to do so by raid leaders)
Raid schedule. For up-to-date raid schedules, check out guild's calendar in-game or within Armory. Raids are scheduled at 6 p.m Server Time on some or all of the following nights: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday. We do not generally raid on Wednesdays (Bible study) or Saturday/Sunday (family and church). Friday is our established "open raid' night where we are as inclusive about invites as possible. Raids on other nights are generally more selective, but check the raid calendar for content (and it will ultimately be up the the raid leader that night). Raids typically end at 10 p.m. ST, but may stop earlier or later depending on the availability and sleepiness of the raiders.
[*]The guild's raiding is currently focused on ICC 10/25 (for progression and EPGP) and Toc 10/25 (for farming, gearing and learning raid teamwork). To maximize your chances at getting in a Redeemed raid, you should not pug ICC until after Friday, to avoid being raid-locked out of a potential open opportunity.
Non-scheduled raids are ones that are not currently on our guild's raiding calendar. Guild pugs may occur, or a guildie may organize one of these. Generally these raids will not earn or cost EPGP and are usually free roll. Any guildie is free to participate in any PuG or non-Redeemed run for any of these raids, or to start their own (although not during times where schedule raids are starting up).
Our non-scheduled raids are:
- all pre-WotLK raids
- OS 10/25
- VoA 10/25 (though not puggable for vets, vets please start runs for guildies)
- Naxx 10/25
- Ulduar 10/25
- TOC 10/25
How to contribute as a raid member
- Being prepared: Have appropriate mods installed and know how to use them. Bring consumables: potions, reagents, water, food. Have gear that meets guidelines and is properly enchanted and socketed. Learn about raids and boss fights via the web. Make sure you’re not already saved to that raid when you WL ADD to it. Repair!
- Being productive: Listen to the raid leader and follow directions. Respect ventilo and raid chat etiquette. Consult a class leader to understand DPS or healing output benchmarks you should achieve. Do not dawdle on run-backs and avoid going afk and making the raid wait for you (and if you must go afk, let the raid leader know). If you need to leave, give the raid leader at least 30 minutes notice.
- Being patient: Accept that wipes are a part of raiding, especially progression raids. Let raid leaders evolve strategies, don't expect them to adopt your advice no matter how well-intentioned or valuable. Don't be greedy about loot or let other raider's apparent greed annoy you. Remember that raiding is about fellowship and group achievement, not loot.
- More about contributing as a Raider here.
How to get in a raid
- Log on at the scheduled raid time and wait for the Raid Leader to log on.
- The RL will announce that it’s raid time, and ask for WL ADDs. At that time, send a whisper to the Raid Leader as follows. “/t <Raid Leader> WL ADD” The RL then knows that you want to go.
- The RL will then select the members for the raid, based on what’s needed in terms of roles, classes, gear, experience, etc. On open raid nights, slots are filled randomly among interested toons. On more selective nights, the raid leader will choose based on a balance of increasing the guild's chances for success and overall fairness (e.g., not just choosing friends or a given clique).
- The RL will announce when the raid is full. At that point, you can stay on the wait list and perhaps get in at a later time. Alternatively, if you're going to log out or do something else, then /t <Raid Leader> WL REMOVE
- If you are committed to raiding, the best way to increase your chances of getting a raid spot is by gaining Veteran status. Veterans get higher-priority invites to progression-oriented raids but also are required to demonstrate preparation and performance as well as to commit to raiding with Redeemed in scheduled raids and on scheduled nights.
- More about how to get in a raid here.
- More about Veteran status here.
- We use a system called EPGP, which rewards raid participation with points which are used to gain priority to loot drops. The raider with the highest EPGP ratio gets the highest priority on gear selection, but then loses EPGP when “getting” the gear. Every toon in the raid is treated individually and equally, with their own EPGP balance.
- EPGP applies to iLevel 251+ gear only on scheduled, Redeemed Raid Leader led raids. Generally this means ICC 25/10 and higher raids.
- A new raider needs to accumulate 250 ep minimum to be eligible for gear on the priority list.
This means you need 250 minimum to have priority over others. If less than 250, you are eligible once everyone passes so it doesn't get sharded instead. - Loot choice is first prioritized based on roles for NON EPGP bosses. Primary spec > secondary spec > all others.
- For armor, priority is given to the class limited by that armor type (e.g. mages/locks/priests for cloth, rogues/druids for leather, and shamans/hunters for mail)
- For weapons/rings/necks/trinkets/backs, priority is given to roles most dependent on those stats (e.g. casters for spellpower, caster dps for spell hit, healers for mp5, melee dps & hunters for attack power, melee dps for expertise, and tanks for defense, block, parry, and dodge).
- In exceptional cases, a raid leader may factor additional "suitability to class/spec/role" considerations into gear distribution decisions at his or her discretion.
- Every toon in the raid is treated individually and equally, with their own EPGP balance.
- All EPGP balances over are “decayed” to discourage EPGP hoarding
- You can check balance by looking at the notes section on the in game roster.
- More about our loot distribution process and EPGP system here.
- If you need to go afk, say so in raid chat (people won't always hear in vent). Use common sense in picking a time ... you going afk typically means 9 or 24 other people are sitting around waiting for you to get back.. If there's an real life priority or urgency, obviously that comes first.
- If you need to leave the raid, try to give the raid leader at least 30 minutes notice so a replacement can be lined up and time won't be lost.
- Not following raid leader instructions, not following Redeemed policies (language, topics, etc), or otherwise disruptive behavior may lead to you being immediately kicked from a raid. The raid leader has absolute discretion on this, you may or may not get a warning.
Much of Redeemed's raid policy was developed and written by Mordos ... it was subsequently adapted, refined, wordsmithed, and otherwise messed around with by Goodwone and Angryson, Gilga provided secretarial services at 10 copper/hour, and many of Redeemed's raiding policies were developed in practice by Avesther, Goblit, Ugsneak, Samboe, Fjorboug, Icthus, Treebranch, and many others.
Summary of Redeemed's Raiding Philosophy
Our main goal as a member of Redeemed is the praise God in everything we do, including playing a game.
Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!
Our main goal as a member of Redeemed is the praise God in everything we do, including playing a game.
Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!
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