Raid on MC... comments


Hey, I wanted to give you all my comments on how this went... now that I have had a day to reflect and calm down.

It was painful, there were good moments and bad ones... the bad out numbered the good ones unfortunately and we played like a pickup group. From my Priests point of view, it was kind of nasty... of the 40 people there were only 2 Priests, 5 druids. So from the start it was looking bleak, but I figured if they were going to do it that I would do my part.

Some of the highlights:
I only died 6 times :)
We had some really bad moments; I was rezing people still when they pulled the next mob... I had just finished buffing 4 groups of 5 people and had 500 mana when the next pull happened. Twice we wiped while trying to recover from a wipe... This next one was real cute, after a wipe... I was 3rd last to get rezzed... The first person was a warrior, then a mage etc...

Trying to de-buff and heal at the same time does not work, what is a cool down doing between a dispel and a heal? If I dispel, I have to wait before I can heal??? :(

Curses in that place really suck, one I am particularly fond of is the Curse that reduces both Intellect and Spirit by 50%... seeing your 8k of mana reduced to 4K... what made it worse is that it did not get removed until after the pull on the next combat sequence. Most fights were done with no buffs at all, as they were pulling before I could get mana to do fort on the groups... with only two Priests to buff 8 groups it does take time.

The straw that broke my camels back was being rezzed almost last and then someone either pulling or agroing a mob (for the 3rd time) before I could even sit down to drink... I died by its aoe.

We did have moments that were good also, we killed a few mobs without losing a person... the Priests/Druids did an excellent job in light of what they had to deal with... going by memory I was just under 400k of healing and the other was just over 400k; the druids were around 280k... yes I did not finish first :( I must admit that I was thrown off my groove a few times by pulls when I had no mana at all... hence no healing... My repairs amounted to almost 5 gold, which is my new record.

In summary, it was a humbling experience for myself... for success in this place there needs to be more communication and only one puller... one leader and someone watching the healers for mana and what they are doing... There may have been some without CTRaid as I could see the mana on everyone else, I could see the dead and living... so it could have gone alot smoother. There is hope that things will improve as people get familiar with the place... but 2 Priests is not enough plain and simple.

I have done a few other raids with other guilds and they were very good experiences... very well done. Not once was there a pull with healers rezing, or low on mana... at least 5 Priests are needed (8 Preferred)... Mages need to de-buff curses in combat as Priests must debuff magical effects... they are just to nasty there. (-50% Int & Spirit, Healing reduced by 75% etc...)
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I am still trying to figure out if Imperial SS ( the group who seemed to be sponsoring this ) was in fact a part of SGA or if they were just using the channel to recruit individuals for a pickup group. Who was the leader of this group? I would like to post something over on the clanwind SGA site to followup on this. Sorry I missed doing it with you but I overdosed on WoW on Saturday with 7.5 hours in BRD straight. I needed a break, watched a movie with my two oldest and my lovely wife. One thing I think all of us can expect though, SGA is a group of loosely related groups who are interested in end game but my guess is unless the leader has done it before and can control the group, it will end in failure. Guess what I am saying this is no EK, SL or ONV run guild run BUT no dkp either :)
Wow Shane. I must say that you probably stuck it out longer than I would have. It sounded to me like unmittigated chaos. Pulling during res? More than one puller? What are these people thinking?

2 Priests and 5 Druids is not a successful healing group. (Where on earth did they find 5 druids? LOL)

You probably want to have about 16 healers, and preferably 8 of those are priests, altho 6 priests is acceptable. The reason is this: there are a LOT of magic-type debuffs in MC. As you mentioned Shane, you can't heal when you're debuffing. It is up to the Druilds and Palidans to patch heal while you debuff (or in the case of the Palidan, DO the debuffing - how efficient is palidan curing? does it use lots of mana? long cooldown?). So ideally each group has a Priest and a backup healer.

It looks like they were trying to rush things. Sure, Risen (Alliance guild on Alleria) has a record of doing MC, Luci to Rag, in 4 hours and 22 minutes, but it's because they can do MC in their sleep. When you're starting out, you have to take it easy until the group has the hang of it. Then you can start speeding up the pulls.

The other thing is that MC does not forgive mistakes easily. Stratholme is nerfed so bad that in a 10 man raid, half your boys can be goofing off and you'll still have no problem. In MC you have to be at the top of your game, in focus. For example, if you early DPS a Molten Giant before your tanks are ready, he'll run over and pummel you and your priests to death in a few blows (speaking from personal experience, 3500+ crits hurt a fair bit). Another good example would be the notorious Firelords. The Firelord's Lava Spawns will wipe a raid in mere seconds if they aren't being taken care of quickly.
In my (albeit small) experience with the SGA, I have found that many of the raids have the feel of 'being along for the ride'. A lack of leadership abounds and the players tend to pick whatever role they fancy at the moment.

Of course, fixing this is easy, assign a leader and boot the priest the 3rd time he or she decides to pull mobs. (or anything else... I swear on one run the warrior was trying to be main healer :p lol)

Frankly, I am surprised to see that there seems to be a total lack of run tactics in a lot of these guilds.... I figured that having a convenient run strategy would be high on most guilds' todo lists...

Ah well, on the other hand, its nice to see some good players in a convenient place to find them, (cons: bad players in a convenient place to find them) many of my friends list is already in SGA, and their friends as well. It is quite easy to find a good group.
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Honestly, go on an MC run or two, and then rewrite that first part. Druids can't remove magic debuffs, and I find that those are the most common type of debuff in MC. I'm pretty sure there are no poison or disease debuffs in MC. Druids definitely have their part tho. A patch or backup healer is definitely needed when priests are debuffing. Gift of the Wild is a definite win for everyone. Being able to res in combat is VERY handy, when used at the right time it can be the difference between a boss wipe and win.