Quick update and hello


New Member
Hi all,

Just wanted to bop in and let you know things are going much better. The Lord is working on restoring what satan tried to destroy in my life. I still wont be on a lot for a little while as I am spending more time focusing on the important things in life a bit but hopefully ill be able to pop in game this week for a bit to spend time with you all. Im missing you all very much and thank you for keeping me in your prayers. May God bless you all and for those I dont get to see before Christmas have a blessed holiday.

We are praying for you and your entire family. If there is any way we can aid you all, please let us know.
Hey there. Haven't heard from you in a while but I've been praying for you. I know what you are going through is a really tough road, but no matter what happens, hang in there okay? I'll try and keep in contact. Let us know if there is still anything you want group prayer for okay?