
Hello Mary,

Hope it's acceptable in this forum to respond to older posts - I was browsing the message board and thought this thread was interesting.

Mary: "I dont think I should alter my appearance to draw attention to myself."  

me: Does this mean you don't wear makeup then, either? How about your ears - are they pierced? Many things that women (and men) take for granted today were once seen as outlandish and "weird", or excessive. Having your ears pierced is, after all, just another form of body piercing, or *altering* one's appearnce. The only difference with things like ear piercing is that they've been done for so long in mainstream society that no one thinks anything of it anymore.

Millions of women wear makeup every day; some have to for professional reasons. Why is altering one's appearnce in *that* way any different than any other alteration? And before someone says that cosmetics aren't permanent, let me welcome you to the world of "permanent" makeup - people can now have eyeliner, and lipstick (and probably more, though that's all I personally know of) tattooed on. It's a big time saver for women exces who are short on time have to wear makeup to work.

Of course, if you are someone who doesn't have pierced ears or wear makeup, then those examples will mean nothing to you lol. But imo, when it comes to the question of how much is too much, it's all a matter of personal taste.

take care,

ps: I am new to posting here and am still figuring out how the italics, underlining (etc) features work - I guess if everyone can see the html code rather than the italicized word(s), I'll know I did it wrong, lol. Bear with me!