


a friend and I are having a "debate" (if we could have such a thing, lol) about tattooing. Namely, should we (as Christians) go out and get one (or more)?? Both he and I have done 'net searches and found articles for both sides of the issue. I believe that, for various reasons, Christians don't needa be running around getting them. I'm not trying to slam on those who may have gotten one already, 'cause you really can't do too much about it. Anyway. What do you think and why??
well the way I look at it is that your body is a temple. Take care of it, don't defile it. Use judgement when choosing your tattoo it's with you for life.
I love tattooes. I wanna get one, but as yet, I am only 15 and parents would freak.
Will wait and gaze at them longingly.
I've had fights over this issue. Tattooes aren't necessarily bad, nor necessarily good. Yes the body is a temple to the Holy Spirit, but also, God spoke to the Israelite males not to carve their body or to mark it up. I say it's okay. While it is a temple, you know, tattooes don't truly destroy it, or mark it, than it already is. Sin's wounded our temple time and time again, but the point is not the temple: it is the intent.
Why do you want a tattoo? Shock value? BEcause you want it? To say I Heart Meghan or I Heart Mom or I Heart Jesus?
Personally, I have nothing against tattooes, and then again, let's look at it this way: at the end, God shall give us a seal that says we are his. Ahhhh.
I wanna get an earring and bleach my hair when I get older.
my friend seems to think that he can get one as an act of worship. his line of reasoning is something like, since Christ went thru all this pain for us...the pain of getting a tatttoo would somehow be an act of worship. i think that's a load of doo-doo, though.
i suppose i should say why i think the way i do (my last post).

The reason the Lord told Israel not to mark themselves is because the pagans did that sorta thing. the "marking for the dead" wasn't simply mourning the dead, but it was some sort of witchcraft ritual-i think it had to do with baal worship. even if in your mind, getting a tat is for Him, that doesn't take away from the fact that it was started as a pagan ritual.

Folks will argue that saying that your body is a temple to the holy spirit is taking the scripture out of context, b/c paul asks if one should defile your temple with prostitutes. but can you not stick any sort of sin in that verse in place of solicting prostitutes and it would still fit??

an article my friend showed me made the statement that not only would a tattoo be a legitimate form of worship, but it would be an effective witnessing tool. the Word tells us how to worship, right? where does anything that could remotely be taken as tattooing show up as any sort of worship to God?? and witnessing?? the ends don't justify the means. "well somebody came to Christ b/c they asked about my tat." well God can make good out of anything, now can't He?? anyway...i think that's about it for now...
what kind of tattoo? a God honoring one? getting it for pain is silly. I don't drive nails in me to see how Jesus felt. sheesh
Personally, I dont believe in tatoos or any body piercings. He made us in his image, and I think he did a great job. I dont think I should alter my appearance to draw attention to myself. Its not about me anyways, its all about Him.
Do you cut your hair or trim your nails?

This whole thing is a silly Roman prejudice against tatooing from Tacitus and his campaign in Germania.


Uh.....yeah that one was a load of crap my friend: to go through Jesus' pain. No.
Just get it because you want it: not to please anyone else, really, unless you've set it in your heart.
theres nothing at all in the bible against tatooing, inking your skin a little doesnt defile the temple. now say staying up reading your bibles, that should be a big no no, that junk causes blindness! tiny print, tiny print my eyes ARGH!!!
No, I actually do not cut my hair. I do trim my nails, thats called body maintainence. I dont think that is anywhere near the same thing.
Congrats, Mary... You're a member of the gender that gets taken seriously with long hair. Believe me, I've had long hair too - and I got treated like a thug or drop out.

My friend has long hair, like almost past his neck, but he's cool. He doesn't look like a thug or a droout. It fits him fine. Last year, ugh. It was hideous. He cut his hair and yech. It was messed up. His hair's thin, but it's fine like it is now.
Long hair is cool....I wanna grow out long hair.
My hair was mid back. As far as relations with the opposite sex, some liked it and others didn't. My guy friends didn't really treat me any differently - but making first impressions as anything other than a hairy biker dude was HARD work.

Also, it was very difficult to maintain my professional image - people just assumed I was disorganised, laid back and a rule-breaker.

A Mullet? I'm shocked at you Cheryl!!

No, it was the same length all over.

"Ooo, kids, don't look at that man. He's bad! He has long hair! Just walk faster and pretend you didn't see him." -Spazzoid Moms
I wanna get long hair, but right now I'm forced to head over to the Devil's Workshop: the barber's.