Quantum's Karazhan Team Friday March 30 and other Important News


New Member
As you know from the team roster, there are more than 10 on the team, so there will have to be some rotations involved meaning some nights you will have to sit out to allow others on the team a chance to go. Eventually this can be solved by adding more nights of raiding to give more people at least 2 nights a week, this is where I would like to see things end up. But for tomorrow Friday, here is the roster:

Tanks - Sazul, Mirakle
Healers - Avesther, Treebranch, Hammerdrop
DPS - Quantam, Nevi, Jackhog, Bloodfall, Ironstone

Start time will be 6:15 server.

Mods needed for Karazhan:

KTM, BigWigs, oRA2, some kind of enemy castbar like Natur ECB.

My wife and I will be going on our honeymoon to Las Vegas starting Sunday April 1 until Saturday April 7. It looks like Monday will be our other raiding day besides Friday, for now, so obviously I cannot go or lead on Monday April 1, or Friday April 6. This doesn't mean there will be no raiding for this team. I know Mirakle would be a very capable leader to lead and he has the experience of the 1st 4 bosses. I will make another post about Monday and then the following Friday before I leave for vacation.
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Wow, married!?! I sure am glad I'm not married...have to put up with a woman and stuff...oh wait, why do I have this ring on my finger....?

<happily married almost 7 years now...until Ansley reads that comment anyways>
Las Vegas really is incredible. We went there for our honeymoon too. We also don't live more than 3 hours away from it though. I could give ya a few names of places to go out to eat that are really fancy for your honeymoon. That is, of course, if you don't already have plans.

Have fun!