PvP unwritten laws??


New Member
Ok, first of all you need to understand that I mostly play PvE for casual relaxation after a hard day of writing code. So I had no Idea that there was some kind of unwritten code of ethics to play by in PvP...

So I played about a hundred rounds before I found a good build that will allow me to be a successful player in Jade Quarry

My Build: (OgQTQ4LjnhTUDlEWNhTq548YAA)

Since I am Kurzick this build allows me to run to, and capture, the Yellow Quarry faster than the Luxons at the beginning of the round. I then use my distracting shot to stop the RoJ nukers. And take out 1 or 2 opponents.

However, I can't count the number of times I get referred to as "NOOB TOUCH RANGER!!" or worse :rolleyes:.

So why is it that unconventional and creative builds seem to tick people off?

What do you guys like to do in PvP?
I'm not much into PvP yet. I've been slowly easing my way there with RA. Just what I've noticed is if you are successful with a build that is not a common one your opponents will get ticked off because they were not prepared to beat you.

On the other hand if you try something new and it fails your PUG could get pretty upset wondering why you didn't stick to the "build script." Usually they want you to be very aware of the metagame...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE163aB_WIU (skip ahead to 43 sec.)

This is one of the reasons I don't play much PvP. People start acting like animals and say thing most would never say in real life. It's one of the reasons I limit my FPS play on MW2... or just select the "ignore" option on there.

There isn't PvP etiquette per-se however there are "cheap" builds. Touch Rangers (R/N) are being high on that list. While not as lethal as they used to be, they are annoying if you get one on you and near-impossible to kill if going 1v1 unprepared for a touch ranger. However heavy degen and kiting can roll a toucher as well as quick interrupts or the common caster counters (diversion, backfire, etc.) As a touch ranger, you should expect to get a significant amount of flak. But, like I said, its PvP and there isn't really "rules" and if you're winning and can deal with the occasional flamer than feel free to continue as you are. If not there are a ton of other ranger builds you can run.
Yea :P actually the fact that it ticks people off makes it more fun for me :P

But in all honesty, I was looking for a build that would (A.) Get me to the Quarry the fastest, and (B.) Interrupt the Nukers .... so I'm happy.

As for the "Tons" of other ranger builds... I suppose there are some if you don't mind playing in a support role where you can count on the other teammates to bring dps. But in random arenas, I like to think that I can only count on myself, and I try to bring skills that will allow me to have at least a 2:1 advantage (2 kills to 1 death)

I mean, lets face it, us rangers got the short end of the stick when it comes to sheer PvP Power output.
ya touchies are a tough thing.. but people shouldent complain because theres anti touch skills as well as other skill to counter it... u could use a splinter weapon on the ranger as well.
So I played about a hundred rounds before I found a good build that will allow me to be a successful player in Jade Quarry

My Build: (OgQTQ4LjnhTUDlEWNhTq548YAA)


However, I can't count the number of times I get referred to as "NOOB TOUCH RANGER!!" or worse :rolleyes:.

So why is it that unconventional and creative builds seem to tick people off?

What do you guys like to do in PvP?

Here's the thing…there are a LOT of (very vocal) people out there who think everyone should create a unique build from scratch when they do PvP. If you aren't doing that, you're doing it wrong. They have put lots and lots of hours, and you, a n00b, are winning. That's not right!

But the point of PvP isn't to create some uber-funky build no one else has. The point is to win. (Of course, we're Christians, so I would say that it's to play well, with grace, and do your best to win.)

If you find a build that works, use it. You're not cheating, you're not griefing, and you're not being an obnoxious jerk. You're playing by the rules, and you're doing it well.
Thank you, Maid Mirawyn. In all the times I've done the quarries I've not seen people playing 'together' - just on the same team. I agree - build your build to win.

Haven't seen you much lately.
I should mention that way back when trapping was the way to go, Team SOE received a lot of grief about playing it from other teams.

But we were good with it. Very, VERY good. (How do you think Paul, Derk, and I got to Rank 3?)

I think people just didn't like losing. :p
I need to map FA, both sides and JQ both sides with my warrior and I haven't a clue what to do for a build. I have only played FA on Kurz side couple times with my PvP Ele and then just killed things randomly.

Kinda nervous but I HAVE to get to 100% carto so I MUST do it somehow.
I felt a little guilty going in to map the area - but hey - what else can you do. At one point I even ended up fighting against some of our alliance. Took a little heat for that but not much - they understood.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with not having a creative build. In fact most people in PvP aren't using creative builds anyway...they're using the meta for whatever their profession is at that time or some wiki build..not many people are very good at making their own builds that are also hugely successful in pvp. However I will say that if you can manage to come up with a creative build that works great in pvp, it is a LOT of fun to use...for me more fun than using the meta or whatnot. But like I said, there is no "unwritten code" or whatever.
So why is it that unconventional and creative builds seem to tick people off?

What do you guys like to do in PvP?

I've always been fascinated by that sort of question. I think it boils down to basic human psychology. Recent research has shown that when confronted with new information, our brains are wired to fit the new information into our previous schema...what we already believe or think to be true. It takes a lot of effort for us to overcome that and rethink what we previously believed to be true. With that in mind...and considering that game playing is really the construction of a temporary reality in which the players exist for a time...then its pretty easy to understand, if something comes along that threatens my view of that reality, how it should work, what should exist in it, I will get defensive about it.

To illustrate, in Heroe's Ascent, BOB is a player who takes pride in putting together a well-balanced team designed to handle typical metagame dynamics efficiently and effectively. His team almost always makes it to the Hall of Heroes. ROB is a player who creates highly original team builds that are designed to beat BOB's team. When BOB sees ROB's team, something within him admires the creativity of it and enjoys meeting a challenge out of the ordinary. But something else within him sees ROB's team as a threat. If every team were like ROB's, then BOB's well-balanced strategy would have to be seriously revamped, maybe even scrapped entirely. Its a threat to his gaming world-view and most people will react defensively to such a threat.

Boy I tend to be long winded after my bed time!