
New Member
A couple of us are talking about starting toons (oh, by the way HI! I'm still around, just been working on personal health issues.. back to subject) to twink out and do pvp. We've decided to make a new toon of our favorite class or the class we play best and do pvp. Work them up, twink them out and keep at 19 until we have so many honor points or medals; got to 29 while twinking etc. This could be a guild sponsored pvp group if you want. If anyone is interested in this, please get with me or Tarl (since I've been hard to get ahold of lately) or Abital, reply to this etc so we can see about getting a group together.
I'd be up for this. I have a rogue and a shaman I started that are both lvl 10ish that I'd be up for bringing to lvl 19 to pvp. I'm also willing to run people through VC or WC in the Barrens to get their gear if they need to. Just send me a tell in game and if I'm available, I can run you through.
Curretly we have a rogue, a mage and a hunter, so maybe the shaman? We have a couple of high lvls also available to help run through both WC and Deadmines. We need to peg out what gear we want in advance so we can try to get the gear w/o going over lvl 19.
A warlock would be awesome. So far we have Shneaky= gnome rogue; Gypsyroselee= gnome mage; Pocahuntress = dwarf hunter and now Maybel = Dwarf priest. All short peoples so far, but not necessary to keep to short races as that would limit our parties for Shaman's or druids. These toons need to be outfitted starting around lvl 10 so we don't move them over lvl 19 and can get 'twinked' out for our first WSG's.
Gno gnome healers in the game :( Maybe a big silver haired NE priest to be the loving mother for the travelling pack of ankle biters.
Then we'd have to have the seven dwarves..... Grumpy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, Bashful and for some reason I can never name all seven.... always get 6, lol. We'd have to have a prince in there somewhere too, Pally or Warrior to the rescue...
I've got a 19 Twink warrior named Torren I usually play with some local real life friends. I don't really have time to start a new character right now but would enjoy getting some games in the 19 bracket when the team gets together.
My shaman is currently lvl 12, I'll put a little more effort into getting it to lvl 19 so I can join the fun. Name is Ahmeek.
Ours our only lvl 5 and 6 right now, we want to be able to get them into Deadmines and WC without leveling too high, so let us know when we can do a run. Might be nice if we could find someone to summon us to WC. I want the venomstrike bow more than anything else. For me the rest would be bonus, but I should have some armor too.
Oooo I know a 70 mage who will take you to VC and totally ruin your xp for ya hehe

Actually ruining your xp is kind of a good thing. If you don't get the drop you wanted, you can still go over and over again without going over lvl 19. :)
Twinking a lock

From WOW boards.

Generic step by steps

1. Go to wowiki and read everything you can find about your proposed Twink.
Game mechanics - Damage coefficients - you should you know your char and its strong and weak points. This is what makes a great Twink.

2. Make computer spreadsheet of every piece of gear you want for your char.
I color code the bops (red) and the BOE (green).
I keep it open under my wow screen so I can check AH every time I’m in town for any BOE Twink Items I will need.

3. Level your char to level 10. Train your skills and start running.
At this point you will need to travel everywhere you ever want to go be sure to pick up your flight points as you travel

I only roll horde chars so I will tell you the horde side.

Undead City
Wailing Cavern
Brill and surrounding area
The sepulcher
Tarren Mill
Booty Bay
The Arena
WSG Camp
All up and down the coast in Stranglethorn (fishing)

Nothing is worse than finishing a Twink only to level to 20 discovering a farm on the road.
Once you run to all these locations you should be almost level 11.

How I built mine:
I decided to make a 19 Warlock Twink.

Everyone told me that it was waste of time and that Hunter and Rogues own this bracket. So I set out to see how much I could squeeze out of a warlock at 19.

My Gear Wish List

Head: Green Tinted Goggles + 100 Health
// The best gear here is Pat Nagel’s fishing hat, but I hate fishing//

Neck: - Scout’s Medallion (wsg reward)
//More damage mitigation than Bronze Necklace//

Shoulders – Talabar Mantle (Wailing Caverns BOP)
//3 stam – best shoulders at this level//

Back – Tranquillen Champion’s Cloak - + 5 resistances enchant
//7 stamina and 20 armor best cloak by far//

Chest – Tree Bark Jacket + 100 health (AH)
//Best chest without question//

Wrists – Bracers of Shadow Wrath - + 9 stamina (AH)
// My alternative would be + 4 stamina Bracers. Close call. I have both and swap based on the competition//

Hands – Magefist Gloves + 20 Shadow Damage (AH)
//Best gloves for this level//

Waist – Keller’s Girdle
//Best belt for this level//

Legs - Darkweave Breeches + 30 spell damage + 20 Stamina (AH)
//The legs have all the stats we need and the Enchant gives the spells a lot of bite and the warlock a lot of life//

Feet - Sanguine Sandals - + minor speed (AH)
//Speed is part of my strategy//

Ring -Seal of Sylvanus – (SFK BOP) – Advisors Ring (WSG)
//Incredible item for this level. OP even//

Wand – Banshee Rod of the Sun (AH)
//Only wand at this level with stats//

Weapon – Witching Stave +30 spell power
//I will be dotting everything in site. This helps make my dots even more deadly//

About Warlocks.

Little armor
Enchants and weapon quality poor when compared to Hunter and Rogue Synergy
Only pets available are VW and IMP (VW is useless in 19 BGs)

Fire and forget spells (DOTS)
Players have almost no resistance at this level


Try to stay with at least 1 other player.
Keep moving
DOT everyone.
Strafe (never backup)
Put the imp on aggressive and let him do what he wants
Use fear as often as possible