PvP - Tuesday Night 04-24-07 10 pm Eastern


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
I would like a few suggestions on what we need to be a serious team. I am thinking a Balanced or continuing tweeking the rit spike. Everything is open to discussion so everyone I want input! btw yes I will be there :)!
i should be there, cant think of anything to make me no be there.. (cept dinner)
i think i can make it, msg me dredd on xfire if im not there, i prlly sleeping or watchin anime
Well, I work, and probably can get on for a bit after 11pm Eastern, and would love to work on the rit build.
I will be there this week since I got GW working again! YAY! HoH will fear the SoE name!!!!!!! (In a good way ^_^)
I will be there this week since I got GW working again! YAY! HoH will fear the SoE name!!!!!!! (In a good way ^_^)

You mean like respect? Because the other way would be awkward...

[in a dark basement, two brothers are playing GW]

"Ha, that team was p0wn3d!! ...or however you're supposed to say that!!"
"Who's the next team?"
"Uhh... SoE."


"What's so scary??"
"That elementalist has a sword!!"
