PvP Friday - 8Dec06 - Leader Needed


Legacy of Elijah Officer
For PvP Friday night, I am going to need a volunteer to lead the PvP event. I will leave start time and build up to the leader.

I would, however, recommend trying the searing flames elementalist build:

3-4 Searing Flames Ele's - Searing Flames, Glowing Gaze, Liquid Flame, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Meteor Shower, Fire Attunement, Aura of Restoration and Rez sig.
1 - Prot Monk (Life Sheath works well against spike of searing flames)
1 - Heal Monk

-Paragon in place of heal monk
-Fast Casting Me/E with searing flames build above (substitute aura with Ether Feast) and hit with meteor shower on initial contact
-Shock warrior to occupy enemy monks

Last night I ran an ele with 2 ele heros a heal hero, the mage and healer hench and managed to get 11 fame and in less than 2 hours. Call targets and focus fire and keep spread out to avoid getting wiped by a meteor shower and you should be able to beat any full hero builds. I even managed to beat the zaishen in just 20 seconds a few times.
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I'll be there but I don't know this new build well enough to lead it. Also my job (if I'm to play the shock warrior again) is to shut down monks and other targets separate of what the group is attacking - so even if I knew this build and the skills involved I wouldn't be a good candidate to be the group leader.

I think its definitely a good idea to do the searing flames build again Friday, looking forward to it.

I just re-read my original post and thought I would add. The reason I need a volunteer is that I will likely not be on until LATE, if at all. For the first time in months, we are getting a babysitter. My wife and I are looking forward to a few hours together out for dinner and a movie.

I feel that I shouldn't abandon her and run right down to the office when we get home, but if she's sick of me by then, I might be joining you.