PvP for Friday 4/20/07?


New Member
Are we doing PvP tonight? I don't know if Dredd is working, but he HAS been posting pretty far in advance if he was going to be there. I DO know my beloved husband has a ton of stuff for school, so he's only planning to jump in when needed.

So, is Derk leading? Or someone else? Cause if it comes down to ME, plan on AvA. ;) Cause that is all I'm suited to leading.
Dredd told me last night that he wasnt going to be able to make it to pvp. Things may have changed but all I know is what he said last night.
I am working so wont be on till late.
I think I'll be there. We've got a Cub Scout bonfire tonight, but I think I'll be home by 10.

I don't have strong feelings about any type of PvP for tonight. We might have an increased interest in AvA tonight since Kurzick Faction can now buy you Passage Scrolls to Urgoz's Warren.
accualy, idk if i will be there. i have a church 10yr anneversary celebration dinner today (no fireworks like SoE/SOE 2 yr tho... :() idk if i will be home by 7:00 (PST FTW!)

i probably will miss it. good luck tho, go get them Luxons!!