PvP Discussion


New Member
I notice that our forums have no designated place for discussions about PvP, be it in general or for specifics. There is no where for guild arena teams to post about recent accomplishments or for those new to PvP, like myself, to post questions or elicit advice from arena veterans. As far as I know, Redeemed isn't exclusively a raiding guild, so it would make sense for us to have Redeemed arena teams and to have an appropriate medium in which to discuss our PvP interests. Could even be fun to run some Redeemed premades, utilizing Vent, and have a designated PvP Activity Coordinator. I'm getting a bit extreme, now, but the original purpose stands that we should really have a designated thread or even a whole new forum specifically geared towards PvP Discussion.
I vote piano and Kutluch :p

but yeah now that I have a char I'm actually working towards with pvp I think that would be fun...could do arenas, bg's, wg, and just for fun get a group together and go through northrend asking in zones if people are getting ganked and show up as this huge redeemed gang and kick their butts....or just go cause trouble somewhere :p heeheehee sounds so fun!
That's true Asheriah. To be honest, I don't know the abilities of several classes, or the 'best' strategies of several BGs. I just know how to play a rogue decently well in solo/small scale PvP.

And Piano, I haven't seen you PvP much, but the little I have seen you did just fine.
Well, until just last night I hadn't a single point of Spell Pen because I hadn't even thought to look for it, so I'm gonna go with "I still have a lot to learn"

I still can't beat Spriests, Disc Priests, Warriors, or Sub Rogues solo, and find Warlocks of any variety to just be a general pain and tend to have insanely long fights with them.
Well, until just last night I hadn't a single point of Spell Pen because I hadn't even thought to look for it, so I'm gonna go with "I still have a lot to learn"

I still can't beat Spriests, Disc Priests, Warriors, or Sub Rogues solo, and find Warlocks of any variety to just be a general pain and tend to have insanely long fights with them.

That's about normal. Sub rogues are pretty much designed to be hard to kite, warriors with their charge is annoying, Spriests are the new Ret pallies in that they are crazy OP in most cases, and Disc Priests never die.
If you have a strong spell attack in pvp, you need spell pen. As a DK in pvp I have found this to be especially true. Nothing like watching last alive player of a group zerg walk away from your corpse only to drop dead from disease...lol
My Disc Priest survives all "fair" fights except if it's against a ret pally who knows what's up and sometimes random arcane mages who proc well. Every other time I die in a BG is by being outnumbered and focused.
That's about normal. Sub rogues are pretty much designed to be hard to kite, warriors with their charge is annoying, Spriests are the new Ret pallies in that they are crazy OP in most cases, and Disc Priests never die.

Seriously, Intercept->Hamstring->Bladestorm...what can i really do besides Ice Block?
As far as Arenas go Frost is the only viable Arena spec. In a fight versus comparably geared mages who are fire or Arcane, you won't stand a chance. I'm not bragging it's just the simple mechanics of Arenas. A resto druid/warr team is almost unstoppable. You can't just burn either down, you really have to work hard on a druid, spellsteal any hot's he puts on himself until he innervates then spellsteal that b/c druids have stupid mana regen. Shadow priests only plus is Dispersion in arenas which essentialy keeps them in mana, the 3min cd on the disarm is mute, the 40sec silence is mute, if you can CC them, CS and burn them and have a healer who can heal or dispel past the dot's they are no trouble.

Our biggest trouble speaking from mine and Camm's team is disc priest, tree groups as healers w/ warriors or locks. The CC functions that a lock has in arenas is ridiculous

Rogues aren't much of any issue once you get past the initial blind, sap.
Now we're speaking a language I can understand... I pretty much play this game for the pvp; I'm no expert, by any means, but I'm always up for some pvp action. I'm glad to know we have guildmates who like to mix it up!
oh kut now your just making stuff up . silly
of course you dont know much about other classes, like you dont know when to do what
when facing a pally and there cooldowns, or when not to get into tree form with certain spell classes.

So funny dude, i was your 2's partner for a while, and i know just how much you dont know about other classes in pvp..

But that still doesnt take away from you beeing a noob! :p
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What I meant was that I don't know their rotations. I do know some about their cooldowns and how to counter them.

Noob? Pot calling the kettle black?
Exactly, it's lame to have to blow an 8 min CD just to even have some semblance of a chance to survive a 5 second attack.

That has a 1 min 15 second CD. Your other alternative is blink, Ice Barrier, possibly Mirror Image for confusion, and hope for the best.