PS3, Wii, 360?


New Member
We finally have all 3 of next gen entries available...I haven't come to any conclusions, as the only experience I have is with the 360 and that was only one game (Dead Rising). If I had to pick one, seems to me that the 360 is ahead of the pack thanks to it's early release, while the others are stuck with shoddy launch titles.

Having said that, I've heard that the PS3 rocks the high def end of things but kills the wallet and the Wii is super fun to play and easily accessible to those who don't usually play games but doesn't provide the level of accuracy that a hardcore gamer would want.

Anybody own/played either of the two new systems?
The killer of PS3 over 360 is that you have to pay for xbox live (about $50 a year) the online play of PS3 is free. so if you are going to play online for 2 or 3 years you can knock $100-150 off the investment on the basic PS3 ($500) the bigger PS3 ($600) doesn't hold much advantage for those that use PCs as it basically just increases the hd and haves a flash media reader for pictures. As for common games there will be a slight increase in graphics and game play on the PS3 over the 360 with the 6-directional motion control. In anycase I would wait longer for the prices to drop as they always do.
It's all gonna depend on the games that come out for each system. Nintendo can hold it's own. It always has a market. The big fight will be the PS3 and the 360.
ps3 pwns all in power and games but if i could, i would buy a wii
@Whon, re: " have to pay for xbox live (about $50 a year) the online play of PS3 is free. so if you are going to play online for 2 or 3 years you can knock $100-150 off the investment on the basic PS3 ($500)"....actually, you don't knock anything off the price of a PS3, you still gotta pay $500. I think you mean *add* to the XBox's price the cost of Live...which, I guess if you keep it long enough, the 360 might end up costing the same as the PS3...

But from what I've seen, the Live experience is a pretty top notch, professional product. How much better is a "free" system going to be? :S We'll see...

@CloudG...yea, I agree, it will come down to the games. The PS3 doesn't interest me right now, the cost is just way too prohibitive.

The Wii seems interesting, and while I agree with their direction, I just can't shake the feeling that the Wii will not have any games on it that will interest me in the end. The virtual console is all fine and good, but you don't want to rehash the past forever. The wii-mote has lots of potential I think, but is it too "forgiving" in it's motions to really give a hard core gamer the kind of accuracy they want? And it's just not fun to play by yourself; I've heard it's WICKED fun if you have a regular gaming crew, but if not... :P If a "Resident Evil 4" type of game comes out for the Wii - something if high production values, is exclusive and is hands-down awesome from start to finish - then I'll look at it again. The main thing is, for $250, you're not really putting yourself out much.

The 360 is what really catches my eye more than the other two, but it has the advantage of having been out almost a year longer = larger library. I'm infatuated with some of the games I hear coming out in the Live Arcade (Small Arms, etc.), and Dead Rising and Gears of War represent system-sellers. And I'm liking the looks that Capcom shooter, Lost Planet. But I'm a Nintendo fan-boy at heart....oh, what to do, what to do... :S
i never play my ps2 anymore and ps3 doesnt interest me at all.

u do have to pay a monthly or yearly fee for xbox live BUT u do get to use osme aspects of live for free. u can get online and tlak to friend and i THINK im not sure but i think u can d/l content for free (well the free content at least). but htew biggest part for me is that 360 has ffxi O.o

the wii looks good since i heard it plays all the old nintendo games also but i dont liek the conroller. i much mor eenjoy sitting on ym bed being lazy with a controller

anywya, i want a 360 more then the others
not that i'm getting any of them any time soon, but one of the biggest downfalls of the 360 is the lack of backward compatibility. both the wii and PS3 are completely backward compatible. that helps with the library of games. the PS3 has an extensive library of available games, due to the ability to play PS1 & PS2 games. the wii also has a large library, due to gamecube games, plus the "virtual console."
not that i'm getting any of them any time soon, but one of the biggest downfalls of the 360 is the lack of backward compatibility. both the wii and PS3 are completely backward compatible. that helps with the library of games. the PS3 has an extensive library of available games, due to the ability to play PS1 & PS2 games. the wii also has a large library, due to gamecube games, plus the "virtual console."
Although, I think we can excuse the Xbox 360's backwards compatibility features, considering that it's an entirely new system. Plus, I can't find an Xbox game that isn't backward compatible on the 360.

Additionally, the PlayStation 3's backwards compatibility has some initial problems, but that's nothing Sony can't fix.

And as soon as Nintendo starts rolling out Virtual Console titles (every Monday, from what I hear), I think we'll be good to go.

But overall, it's good to see the Big 3 pay some attention to some of the more vintage titles.
I read that the old Nintendo games that is playable with the Wii comes with a fee. I would hate to be able to download like, Goldeneye, required me to pay for it, an ancient game from the N64. :confused:

My only opinion is, IF Resident Evil 5 is better than RE:4, I would get the PS3.

Though, by that time, I'm positive the PS3 would be at least $100 off since that game would be released next year.
I read that the old Nintendo games that is playable with the Wii comes with a fee. I would hate to be able to download like, Goldeneye, required me to pay for it, an ancient game from the N64. :confused:

My only opinion is, IF Resident Evil 5 is better than RE:4, I would get the PS3.

Though, by that time, I'm positive the PS3 would be at least $100 off since that game would be released next year.
If I don't own Goldeneye already (which I don't), or a Nintendo 64, then Goldeneye for $10 over the Virtual Console sounds good to me. That's the kind of situation Nintendo is going for.

For the record:

NES Games: US $5
N64: US $10
Genesis: US $8
TurboGraphx-16: US $6
I work at a Gamestop. Now I have not played the Ps3 But I have played the 360 and I own a Wii. Out of the 3 the 360 in my opinion is the best. I absolutly love the Wii. Everything about it is pretty good. It is built very well not cheap in any way. The Ps3 from the ones I have seen when we had to open and check everyone of them at launch screamed Cheaply made. We all know the 360 has had problems but they are getting fixed and the current versions that have come out seem rock solid. Plus you have Dead Rising, Gears of War, Halo 3, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Lost Oddessy, Mass effect and many many more really good looking exclusives. PS3 has Resistance Fall of man that looks AMAZing and than their normal Devil May Cry and such but I am getting tired of Sequals. It looks like all the newest most original games are coming out for the 360. And the fact that the 360 is WAY easier to program more companies are going to find it more cost effective to make more of their games for the 360. A lot of PS3 games are going to be ports of the 360 version of the game. That is my 2 Cents and the research I have done. BTW PC gaming FTW! It beats all 3 lol.
At the bottom of this article there's a list of the games that will be on the Wii's virtual console by the end of the Dec. Not *great*, but some gems on there. (Golden Axe, Bonk's Adventure, Gunstar Heroes...)
At the bottom of this article there's a list of the games that will be on the Wii's virtual console by the end of the Dec. Not *great*, but some gems on there. (Golden Axe, Bonk's Adventure, Gunstar Heroes...)
No, the list isn't great, but they also don't want to flood the system, because some of the bigger or more significant titles released over VC might get lost in the mix. But they're releasing new titles every Monday, so it helps to know there is indeed a schedule going.
PS - I played Gears of War over the weekend....wozzers! It's everything they say it is. Didn't really get into multiplayer 'cept 2 player split screen, but the game definitely feels like it wasn't being used to its potential. With the quick deaths/single kill style of multiplayer, it's more tactical space-age "Counter Strike" than run and gun "UT", which is great when you've got an organized team but not much fun for two guys who can see each other's screens. Single player rocks the sure shot though.
PS - I played Gears of War over the weekend....wozzers! It's everything they say it is. Didn't really get into multiplayer 'cept 2 player split screen, but the game definitely feels like it wasn't being used to its potential. With the quick deaths/single kill style of multiplayer, it's more tactical space-age "Counter Strike" than run and gun "UT", which is great when you've got an organized team but not much fun for two guys who can see each other's screens. Single player rocks the sure shot though.
How is it, appropriateness-wise?
i think the 360 is supposed to be able to play most xbox games, emphasis on most. the wii still doesnt interest me too much as i havent seen a breakthrough game for me yet, if the wii plays all thes nes/snes/n64/cube games i may sell my g-cube and snes to buy one. im not much into the virtual controller thing but it cant hurt to try it.