preorder april 10th!!!

The link worked ok for me too. Have they mentioned prices anywhere? It doesn't look like the Collector's Edition would be worth buying, at least for in-game content.
link worked for me. Will order collectors edition. Money may be tight now, but I have been donating all my GW2 money to emergencies for the last 5 months with the understanding when it is available I get the game.

edit: Looks like my guess for a May release date is going to be one of the closer ones.
edit: I meant the digital deluxe
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Digital Deluxe for me! Unless God blesses me with a new job by then. I might celebrate with the collectors. :)
link worked for me. Will order collectors edition. Money may be tight now, but I have been donating all my GW2 money to emergencies for the last 5 months with the understanding when it is available I get the game.

edit: Looks like my guess for a May release date is going to be one of the closer ones.
edit: I meant the digital deluxe

Same for me, pretty much. Though when they started pointing to post-summer earlier in the year, I spent my previous game funds on a trip to savannah, ga. Got some work to do to build it back up :p
  • Standard Edition ($59.99) -Beta Access, 3-Day Headstart, and a Hero's Band (+2 to all stats).

  • Digital Deluxe Edition ($79.99) - All of the above, a Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill (an elite skill that allows you to summon a temporary Mistfire Wolf combat pet), a Rytlock Brimstone Miniature pet, a Golem Banker, a Chalice of Glory (gain extra Glory on use), and a Tome of Influence (give your guild a one-time boost of influence).

  • Collector's Edition ($149.99) - All of the above, a 10-inch Rytlock figurine, a 112-page Making of Guild Wars 2 book, a Best of Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack, an art portfolio and five art prints, and a custom art frame. (Shown above).
Hmmmmm. My youngest granddaughter's 1st birthday is in May... the collector's ed would put a dent in her presents... what to do... what to do ;P
I am going standard at further look, seems like the extras are not worth $20 to me at this point. Hopefully they will have the digital upgrade in the cash store for when I have more income.
I'm with ewoks... will be going standard due to not enough extras to justify $20 (at least to a guy who has only played Guild Wars prophecies and EOTN).

Then again, I never seem to buy limited editions anyway... :)
They've got an image of the Collector's Edition here... LOVE it.

Interesting statements about the power of social media... coming from a company that puts so much emphasis on the NDA. online-game-mold-with-arenanets-guild-wars-2/
Your link had a blank space in it. Here's a workable one:
After spending $$ on the SWTOR CE, I'll have to limit myself unless, like Ewoks, I get a new job. Anybody want to buy a Darth Malgus figurine? It'll go well with your Rytlock figurine. :p
I'll be springing for the Collectors Edition most likely, even though I shouldn't...I'm too much a sucker for the extra shinies like the charr figure. Keep in mind that april 10th preorder date doesnt necessarily mean imminent release....TOR had preorders as early as June I think, and released in December, but we'll have to see.
I'll be springing for the Collectors Edition most likely, even though I shouldn't...I'm too much a sucker for the extra shinies like the charr figure. Keep in mind that april 10th preorder date doesnt necessarily mean imminent release....TOR had preorders as early as June I think, and released in December, but we'll have to see.

Yeah but TOR was horrible during most of the beta (and still needed way more time in beta) while GW2 is looking incredibly polished. Also TOR had EA marketing behind it while NC Soft has usually had small windows between beta and launch.
I went into GameStop to ask about the CE Pre-Purchase and was less than enthused by their reaction. They were trying to get me to Pre-Order because "Pre-Order and Pre-Purchase are the same."

I'm hoping things are a little more clear by next week... Although I've been hearing murmurs about them selling out... which seems impossible by my thinking as they'll ship to the stores based on Pre-Purchases. (right?)

Anybody hearing anything more helpful about this?