Preload files downloaded


New Member
Ok, so I've downloaded the preload and I run setup and it gets to the patcher and it says Login to continue so I put in my account info and it comes back:

You sir, are a moron. If you don't know your account info, get out.

Then I try my beta account info and it comes back:

You didn't listen to me the first time, you idiot. Your account info is no good, get lost!

So I try a third time and it says:

You hoser, call customer support to have them laugh at you because the only thing you are good at is getting this session locked out. HAHAHA

So, I'm going to start up MS Flight Sim X while eating some chicken wings and wonder if WAR is worth it.
Really? I wonder why they did that?

'Course, I heard that they were Texans, so I would imagine that you did some snickering of your own. Especially when they were talking about Toronno.
well......there were a few times that they all made some funny words up fer sur, but I didn't think that I did it!
I logged in for funnzies, and it patched and logged me in, but the servers are down... :( And I have to go to work now...
well since you are canadian, i am sure the humor is lost on you... just laugh at the US Government and healthcare and we will call it square...
well since you are canadian, i am sure the humor is lost on you... just laugh at the US Government and healthcare and we will call it square...

Well put. Plenty to laugh at in Canadia and in America. I love it when the U.S. is referred to as "America." Canadians prefer their nation be called Canadia, right?