pre-auction give away


New Member
Need to clean out my bags again. They are filling up. Please let me know if there is anything you or your heroes could use. For the next couple of weeks I am going to post a group of stuff in my give-away pile and what ever doesn't get claimed by the next weekend I will put on guru auction. Here are this weeks 8 items

Kel Queen of all Europe

Weird when I first load this page only 6 items show up but the other 2 will pop up if I refresh. How many boxes do you guys see?
well if i stare at the screen long enough i see 16.....
But eight otherwise. Thanks for posting these but i have most of my heros and charaters covered.
you still got that chaos axe? I know what I said before, but chaos axes look awesome and would give me an excuse to pick up using an axe again
Ok I'm going to try something new. I was getting confusted as to wat items I had offered you guys before putting the up for auction so I will now just put them up for a week and give you the link.
If there is anything you you want before someone bids on them I will stop the auction and give it to you.Totally free as usual. So look and let me know if you would like anything.

Kel Queen of all Europe