Prayer Request - Youth Trip


Slave to Christ.
Howdy Y'all,

I've been working with the youth for almost a year now at my church. For the last 6 or so months I've been leading a boys small group on Sunday nights, and have been leading a small group on Wednesday as well. I've been working on building relationships with these boys, and the youth as a whole.

We've been planning a youth trip this summer, and there's only really 1 week that works for it this June. I was going to request time off work to go on this trip, but just found out that someone else has requested that week off. We are short staffed here right now, which means we can't have more than one person out at any one time.

Please pray that God open the doors for me in this situation. I feel strongly that I need to be on that trip, as it will be huge for strengthening the bonds with my boys, as well as the rest of the youth. There are many other reasons as well, of course.

Please pray also for the other leaders, and the youth, and that we get the funding for the trip, as we will be doing a lot of fund raising in the next few months.

Thanks. God Bless.