Prayer request- Young's Sister

I'm deeply moved by the grace that God has shown to your sister. May this be a testament to His awesome power and His limitless love for those who seek Him. My prayers are with your family.
it was with great joy that I read this thread from beginning to end young, praise the Lord! Glad your sister is getting better.
May God continue to be with you all. I pray that your sister continues to have strength and her suffering be alleviated. You all will continue to be in my prayers.
I truly do pray that not only does your sister recover but is completely healed of her cancer and all of her diseases that have occured since taking her chemo.For i know and believe that our Lord can do this for i know that has done this, for i have known people to be completely healed of thier cancer and other diseases, my own wife has been blind and was healed and also had a broken verterbrae in her back that was completly replaced with new bone, i think that happened on the 2nd week of after she had broken her back, i still remember the reaction of her doctor when she came in for her check up on that 2nd week and did a x-ray and after looking at it and said that she has new bone, he asked her what had she been doing and of course my wife told him that she had been healed by the Lord. Also i do hope and pray that that this has brought the mother and daughter together now and that the lord will help mend and make the family strong. Merry Christmas for i know that this is a special one to you young.
I cryed as i read about what was happening, then i weeped with joy at what God is doing. I will pray, and I praise God for what has happened so far. God is beautiful, in all ways, and works wonders. God is good, all the time.
All the time, God is good. I will pray with all my heart and all my mind, every spare second I have (and thats alot, with finals almost over:D)
God is good!!