Prayer request- Young's Sister


Active Member
Not all of you know, but Young's sister is gravely ill.

He sent me an update today and things do not look well.

Please pray for Young, his sister, and the entire family.

Life sometimes intrudes on our fantasy game where death only cost a few silver in repair, but life is much more painful.

Please take the time to pray for Young and the Young-family.
Linked this to TF's forums.

Father God, we want Your will to be done in this situation.

We lift Young's sister, Young himself, and their family to You.

We ask that You show your love and mercy towards them. If it is Your will that this sickness be gone, than we praise and glorify Your name. If it is Your will that she be with You, than we pray that You take her home quickly, without any prolonged suffering. In either case, we praise and glorify Your name, for You show Your love and kindness even in the face of these painful moments.

Lord, we ask for peace. It is one thing to be able to say that we pray that Your will is done. It is a totally different thing to face a daughter, a sister, or a friend that is gravely ill. We ask that Your peace would come into Young's family in a powerful way so that when You do Your will in this situation, whether or not it is what we would have wanted You to do, we pray that we, and Young's family, would recognize that it is Your will and that we would have peace despite our uncertainty.

Most of all, Lord, we pray for Your Love and Your Mercy. We know that You are the Healer. We know that You love us. We ask for You to poor out Your Healing on this situation. We know that sickness really never was part of Your plan for us, and so we say, "sickness, be healed in the name of Jesus. Whatever part of God's plan for Young's sister's life this is, we know that it can be accomplished without the pain and debilitation of this sickness. Father God, we pray for your healing.

Finally, Father God, we pray that Your name, the name of Jesus, be lifted up in the midst of this trial. We pray that all glory and honor and love is given to You and You alone, even in the midst of such a scary and fearful situation.

Your will, not our's be done.
We love You,
I stand with Neirai/John in his prayer in the precious name of Jesus. We stand with you Young family, and we lift your needs up to the Ruler and Creator of this universe, who still sits on His throne and is able to order the universe to His plans.
I want to thank for this ...I never expected anything. Thank you......I will tell you what I am seeing.

My sister, 46 years old, has Leukemia; She was cancer free for 5 years and it came back. While recieving chemotherapy, when she had no immunity to fight back with, the Mold had started growing in her lungs. By the time that her white blood cells and neutrophils could start fighting back the mold had outnumbered her ability to fight off the mold. Man has no medicin that is effective against mold...It is now eating her lungs and heart. By the time they realized she had it, She couldnt breath on her own and they intibated her and put her on a resperator. They did this 5 minutes before I arrived. I will never again be able to hear my sister talk to me again ...cuzz we have been informed that her lungs have become stiff and she wont be able to breath on her own.

She is parallized so that she can tollerate the endotracial tube. Which means that she can't communicate in any way cuzz she can't move. I was finally successful in getting the famliy to talk to her about her death ...very hard to accomplish.

The amount of the paralitic that they give her is reduced enough at times so she can open her eyes and move a little. She can comunicate with us by nodding her head and squezzing her hands. Her brain is fully functional and she can think like normal...she is just in a prison of being unable to move her body nor talk.

She is scared....she didn't know the gravity of her disease (which will be death in so many days). she hadn't been able to say goodbye to anyone.....She wasnt able to mend the rift that has happened between her and her 16 year old daughter.
Today we did tell her all about her situation ..she now knows. We are all saying our goodbye's. It is so painfull. She cries with a huge tube comming out of her mouth. Tonight the rift between her and her daughter has begun mending. All she can do is shake her head , squeez her hand , and look with her eyes and cry. A mom , My little sister, is trying to make things right with very little means of accomplishing it. And very little time to do it. This is her greatest desire and all that she is asking for. We eventually have to increase her paralitic up so she cant comunicate hardly with the outside world... She is petrified. She is afraid she will never wake up. She is afraid she wont be able to make amends. shes afraid she wont be able to communicate..........I see the fear, I see the anxiety ........I see her pain........I hurt and I hurt and.... I.... hurt.

We have a special bond cuzz I raised her from when she was a little girl. And took care of her. And I we have kept the bond throught the years. Now she is imprisoned by the thing that keeps her alive . And her eyes beg me to help her. I am trying as hard as I can .....its learning as I go. She Loves Jesus Christ. And she will go to heaven.........It still hurts.

I am sorry that your family has to endure this Young. I am praying for you and your family.
I'll be praying for your sister, you, and your family, Young.
no earthly answer...

As you well know there is no earthly answer to the 'why' and the pain, especially at this time of year.
i too will join the prayer chain. please know that Jesus the redeemer King is with her and is going to bring her into the Throne Room of our Father. but for those left behind, i ask the Holy Spirit to be the promised comforter.
in the Name of Jesus,
I can't thank you all enough for your payers and caring :)

My sister was suppose to be dead by now, according to her Dr's.....What has been happening is: She has improved considerably. They have removed her resperator; and she is now breathing on her own, with suplimental O2. Her lungs have cleared up and she is getting healthier. The Drs have said a miracle is happening and they have no explination...Everyone here is praising God. She has improved in a direction the doctors had not expected and at a faster rate than she should have. We don't know where she is headed ...neither do the Drs know. She has several terminal diseases in her yet, but Jesus's Hand is on her and we are watching to see where He is taking her.

She should be able to talk tomorrow. Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank...You ...Lord.

Prayer works....

Hopefully she will be able to restore relationships with the time God is granting her.

Still praying.

Thank you for allowing us the privlidge of praying for you.
I can't thank you all enough for your payers and caring :)

My sister was suppose to be dead by now, according to her Dr's.....What has been happening is: She has improved considerably. They have removed her resperator; and she is now breathing on her own, with suplimental O2. Her lungs have cleared up and she is getting healthier. The Drs have said a miracle is happening and they have no explination...Everyone here is praising God. She has improved in a direction the doctors had not expected and at a faster rate than she should have. We don't know where she is headed ...neither do the Drs know. She has several terminal diseases in her yet, but Jesus's Hand is on her and we are watching to see where He is taking her.

She should be able to talk tomorrow. Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank...You ...Lord.


God is SOOO COOL!!!!!

While it is still His will where this goes next, and so we can't say what tomorrow will bring, it is definitely SO AWESOME that He is showing His power in your sister's life!!!

Tonnes of praises!!!
God is good...ALL THE TIME!
All the time...GOD IS GOOD!

That is awesome to hear and to see prayers work in such a way is just so amazing. I pray that God will continue to heal her and strengthen her. =)