Prayer request for a troubled youth, and their hurting parents.


New Member
A friend of mine has a teenage daughter who has been growing more attached to the world for a while now, and this month they had to send her to a boardschool of sorts to give her a chance at getting herself under control.

I've seen some things in the past that I disagreed with them on, but at this point there's really nothing they could do to improve the situation. The girl is hurting badly (I think more than anyone directly involved can understand,) and her parents are also upset that it has gotten to this point, and are feeling the regret involved with any hard decision you have to make in life.

I'm not going to get into the details, but the quickness this happened with I think added a lot more shock to it for all of them, and I'm very concerned for them all. Please lift them all up in prayer, as they all need it to survive this time and to make a fresh start when they're reunited.