We are in our own place but it is like nothing happened. I am also worried about my wife because I think she needs to talk to a medical professional but we don't have health insurance. I am just so angry, sad, frusterated all at once because this has been my one sacred thing that has given me lots of hope.
First off, the minor suggestion. Check out the local hospital or clinic to see what they offer for uninsured patients or "charity." I work at a hospital now and I know they have some options here.
Now for the better help.
My wife and I will pray for you.
God has brought us through tough times, too. I'll tell you some, not to compare or to expect matches to your situation(s), but to show God's provision.
Two and a half years ago, we didn't know if we could afford to live together when we got back from our honeymoon, let alone where (we had been living across the state) -- money from wedding cards became our security deposit and first month's rent. My wife lost her job and I only had a part-time at the time. I had to go to the emergency room twice without insurance (I know the awful feeling of health vs. running up huge bills). My wife just lost her current job that had hired her back (been there 3 years total) and my full-time job can't support us enough (praise God I have the insurance through my job).
We've spent nights just crying together at times. But we are together. I pray that this brings you closer. She is my greatest friend and support, even though I don't show it enough. God can bless your marriage, through "good and bad, sickness and health, richer or poorer."
God has provided. He always gave us what we needed to make it by. He's blessed us abundantly in many ways, but has taken things away at times to help us trust him. Ironically, while at a cabin with some Christian guy friends, we were asked what God has really taught us in the last year. I chose to say "He always provides what my wife and I have needed." Less than 24 hours after I got back, my wife comes home with the proverbial pink slip. God is teaching us again. I sure wish I knew what was happening, but I don't. I wish I knew His plan. I have no clue. My ideas are usually wrong anyway!
I'm not a good Christian. In the guild Bible study today we talked about God rewarding people who take a stand for Him (Daniel 1). He blesses people like me too, because He is a loving Father who wants to help us and see us grow. I don't have a lot of faith. If I had more, I wouldn't be scared about what's coming up for us. But God has blessed me with some experience, enough to say that I believe God will continue to provide. More faith would be nice, because I would need less of these lessons, I suppose!
My goodness, is there a limit on posting size? Hang in there, Thinkerseven. You've got a lot of prayer support from the brothers and sisters I'm meeting here. You're under the God who provides.
PM or email me (
www.toj.cc profile is one way) if you'd like.