prayer against a suicide attempt


one of my best friends is about to commit suicide. I don't know where she lives, and I have no way to contact her parents. I have one last resort. PRAYER! I need everyone who read's this prayers please. She is deeply wounded and disturbed by christians, her parents so called children of christ, who act like she is in fine mnetal health, who will not tell her they love her, or even so much as buy her groceries, all because she is a lesbian. YET JESUS TELLS US to love thy neighbour as thyself, so I plead with you, if you have understanding of how our neighbours are not always our brethren in christ, please beg god to spare her life with me. I would die inside ever so quickly if I lost another friend like this. I'm begging all of you, have mercy on a friend who has been abused so often by our brethren.
well, the crisis was averted for now... But... I would still appreciate any prayers for her.
I will definitely pray, situations like that can be hard. it is also hard to know what the lord wants u to do with a situation like hers, its so hard to witness to people who are so far gone. i pray for her guidance to become a child of Christ and from her safety of suicide.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I pray that your friend will take his eyes off him or herself and put them on christ.