Pray for my Mrs.-- Breast Cancer


Active Member
My wife (Judy) was diagnosed with breast cancer last Tuesday. Please remember her in your prayers.
I believe that God will totally heal her from this attack. She is a very strong christian and knows the power of prayer as do I. Prayer changes things. Our Lord and Savior bare stripes upon his back for our healing.
Thank you for your prayers. ,CS
I don't know ya that well, yet i have had a couple family members taken because of breast cancer. All before my family were strong Christians, so prayer is the ultimate healer, by faith. I will be sure to pray for you. God Bless you and your wife.
I have had friends and family diagnosed with this evil disease. I'll be praying for her. God is able to heal her.
Hey when the going gets tough just remember to F.R.O.G.....that has helped many close friends and family members overcome cancer......

F - Fully
R - Rely
O - On
G - God
Jude and I both thank you for your prayers. I've found out and it kinda shocked me that so many women has or had breast cancer. I've prayed for people that has had breast cancer but that it's hit closer to home. I now have a better understanding of what it means to the person and persons affected from this. I love this little community. It's great to be a part.
God Bless and thanks again. .CS
I'll be praying for you and your wife, sir. :)

My Mrs. & I were told that her CT scans (full body with bone scan too) came back with no cancer present. PRAISE GOD
Now Her next ordeal is to have her axillary lympnodes removed under her armpit. Then after healing from that she will have to have radiation treatments and take some medicine for 5 years.
Her breast cancer was a rare type under her arm. I guess she will be a case study for future diagnosis's.

How my wife found her lump--- She was told in a dream that she had a lump under her armpit and when she woke up she found it there. :)
I praise God for that too.
Praise God. I will make sure to pray for an easy time in the next few years for you guys. God Bless.

My Mrs. & I were told that her CT scans (full body with bone scan too) came back with no cancer present. PRAISE GOD
Now Her next ordeal is to have her axillary lympnodes removed under her armpit. Then after healing from that she will have to have radiation treatments and take some medicine for 5 years.
Her breast cancer was a rare type under her arm. I guess she will be a case study for future diagnosis's.

How my wife found her lump--- She was told in a dream that she had a lump under her armpit and when she woke up she found it there. :)
I praise God for that too.
Praise the Lord!

Be sure to let the missus know that we're still praying for her--and celebrating with her!
Hello all, My Mrs. has her surgery tomorrow morning (6-6-07) at 6:30am EST. They are removing all her lymp nodes under her left arm. Keep us in your prayers. It's gonna be a long day. thanks, CS
Hopefully everything went well. I know this is an odd verse to pull out now but I think that it applies:

"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

It sounds like God has been active in this situation since day one. Be encouraged that having started, he will be faithful to do everything that he wants to do in this area of your lives. To him be all glory, Amen! :)
Thanks Neirai. really great verse and yes I know God has been in this ordeal since day 1. , Praise His holy name., amen!

Update: My Mrs. went through her surgery just fine. She is now dealing with a great deal of pain. They made the incision right in the middle of her armpit and it's about 3+ inches. Quite a bit larger than what I expected. But any way the next step is to wait for the report from her lympnode removals.
When they find no cancer is there they will proceed with radiation treatment.
again, thanks you all for your prayers. God bless, CS