Pray for my family please...


New Member
hey everyone at CGA, my name is Blake for anyone who didn't know, and i just wanna say first of all you guys are a huge support to me because i don't have many Christian friends, and i am so honored to be a part of such a wonderful group of respectful and admired men and women.

If some of you have been wondering why i have been absent well here's the reason...

well, I've had tons of prayers for the last few months, and my family still needs more support, please pray for my sister and my mom and myself, we've been going through a really rough time. My dad committed suicide about 2 months ago and my family still needs strength coming from all sides. It's been really tough for me, but it hasn't shaken my faith at all, if not made it stronger. We've moved out of our old house because that's where it happened, and we now live a few cities over. Please pray that my sister finds a new job that she actually likes, and please pray that I find a job that is suitable for God's plan for me.

Thank you my brothers and sisters in Jesus.