Pray for me :-(

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New Member
So yea um like it says. I'm pretty much being kicked out of my house, without being kicked out. Doesn't make any sense unless all the dumb lil deatils are understood, so yea. Pretty much, really soon I'm going to need a place to live and I have no idea where I'm gonna go.
Not a clue how I'm going to afford living anywhere, let alone things like food, and utilities. I can't seem to get a job for anything, and with school starting Thursday I really can't work a whole lotta hours. Unfortunatly I go to a commuter school so there's no dorms or anything. It's all very overwhelming.
Pretty funny I guess, considering earlier tonight I was talking about how much I've tried just to live a comfortable life since I graduated from high school. Knowing that I need to live more by faith, and knowing God would be taking me somewhere I'd have to. Just wasn't expecting so quick, and I kinda have to rely on Him for everything right now since I don't know how anything's going to happen. I know He's going to provide for me, but pray for me please I need it. I know I can't make it by anything but faith, and it's really hard to be patient and wait on Him in times like this.

Mark 11:23-25 "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have recieved it and it shall be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins." God will provide your needs. Just trust in him and everything will be ok. I will be praying as well.
i will keep you in my prayers Trev, its tuff thing going off to school and leaving your family, whether its a commuter or if its 5000 miles away,
well God is good, Romans 8:28 ALL thigns work together for the GOOD for those who love, God and are called according to His purpose.
Man! That's a tough situation to be in, and I'm about to do the same thing. The Lord provided for me, so I believe He will provide for you.

For the first time I'm moving out having to pay rent, utilities, insurance, etc. Bro, I'll be on my knees for ya.. Prayer changes everything -- and I think you're right about the Lord doing something in your life. It's so awesome to know He has a purpose for everything, and in His plan it's to help you fall more in love with the Father and the Son, by the help of the Spirit.

His leadership is the best.
Man, this is horrible news. Where d'u live? like specific location, maybe i could help u. Even if we're far away, my heart's prayer will be right next to you. Like others said, God will get you the place he needs/wants u to be.

This might not be the time for levity, but I trust you'll pardon me if I try to lift the mood a bit. With that disclaimer out of the way...

Hey, look on the bright side...At least this increases your odds of getting broadband!

Heh. ^_^;; Hope that got a healthy chuckle out of you. If it was in poor taste, I apologize, and will still be praying.

And remember: no matter how bad you, King David had it worse at some point in his life. Maaan, that guy was a trooper.

Also, a word of instruction in this hour of trial:

Act 2:42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Read the entire chapter to get the context, but what I'm getting at is, DO NOT stop going to church, even if/when you end up in a foreign hour. The original church grew by leaps and bounds by the activities mentioned in the above verse. Don't forsake the Word and don't forsake time with your fellow Christians--off and online!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flash @ Jan. 11 2004,8:47)]Man, this is horrible news...
It might just be me that actually thinks this could be a good thing...  Remember the book of Job?  He suffered but in the end God made things better because he trusted in him.  One thing I believe about God is that its not always the missions trips or the retreats or going to church and having an awesome time of worship when you grow the most.  I think that when you grow the most with God is the times when you are desperate and when you need something.  I think its better to go on a journey with God than to just read about him.  What I'm trying to say is Job was in trouble but he didnt give up his trust in God.  When I said God made things better in Jobs life I dont mean he made the material things better (which he did) but Job's relationship with God grew so much that I don't think the material gain really mattered.  So trust in God because God see bad situations like being sold into slavery and put in prison and turn them into good situations like saving egypt and the world from famine.  I hope that was semi-inspirational and someone got something out of it.  I also hope i didn't upset anyone by saying it was a good thing.  And sorry if i did sound a little cold to your situation... I really have no idea what its like... im just a high school student. Anyway set aside time for God and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Well let's see here, Tek's a nub, and needs to be beaten with a large trout like aquatic animal. laf, nah if you can't laugh at things then life's just not fun. Acctually thought of that though, there really needs to be a "Get toe broadband" ToJ fund started up ya know.
Seriously amused. If you can come down to atlanta I will give you a place to stay bro (and real internet not that 56k stuff your using).

Im not playing either please contact me if you need a place to stay for real man. Until then Ill keep you in my prayers.
That Savanah art school wouldn't be anywhere near there would it? laf Acctually going down to Atlanta this summer to work hopefully, but I'll have lodging provided for me.
I am praying for you amusedtoe.

And as I do so, if I may, I would like to offer some wise advise for you (and everybody) to contemplate on:

I like it when things are impossible.  That means the Lord must deal with it.  If there is even so much as glimmer of hope of me possibly dealing with a situation, I am less likely to fully commit it to the Lords will.  That is why I like the impossible, I can surrender the impossible to God much easier then I can otherwise.

Remember Proverbs 3:5,6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

emphesis added.
Peon is right, God uses the impossible situations to move in, because we cannot - hence them being impossible. That only proves his omnipotence.

Toe, I have a personal experience that's very encouraging, to share with you somewhat related to this if you're interested, if not - no big deal. Let me know!
ya know if ya'll wanted to u could start a "help atowns parents buy a house with dsl" fund :p . also look into Psalms for much encouragement, it has always help me. psalms 37 and 38 are always good.
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