

New Member
My church has now made a schedule change that will put me at 30 minutes late to every practice (Yes, including tonight's). So... is it okay with everybody if we slide practices ahead by half an hour to Every Sunday night at 8:30 PM EST?
8:30pm is still fine with me. I'll still be around at 8:00pm tonight... Come find me when you are on, I like playing with you since I feel it makes me better because you teach me timings and stuff.
Was on at 8:14pm and 8:30pm. No TOJers in sight besides myself. Either a really quick practice that I missed (:p) or no-one showed.

It's now 9:00pm... I'll be hanging out in some pubs for a bit. Find me if you want to play.
Okay this new thing they're doing is taking longer than I expected from the description.

(sigh) Is Sundays at 9:00 PM EST okay with everybody :rolleyes: ?

And James you REALLY need to get Xfire because the server you're on is completely full, including spectator slots. So I can't reach you when I could easily with Xfire. Please?
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re:'ll be an issue for me, as I normally hook up with some friends on Sunday nights for movies at about that time, sort've a tradition that's not easily broken. :P I'm gonig to throw this out there: what about Sunday afternoons?
Sunday afternoons... I like it better, actually. What about Sunday at 4:00 PM EST? That would be groovy.
Yeah Sunday at 4, that way if any of you TDM players want you could stop in and say hi to CS on Sunday at 10. I had it on DM for the longest time.
I saw several ToJ'rs playing on several different servers. Kinda made me sad that the ToJ'rs weren't all playing together somewhere. :(
On another note , keep an eye out for Novice-Boy, an ons player with a ping of 44, He is supposed to join up with ToJ. another recruit I hope. :)
if James would get xfire I would have been playing with him...

Anyway we're a gaming community not a clan. It's okay if we have different interests sometimes. :)
All of my business contacts use YIM, so I would have to install and load-up 2 IM clients,; sorry, not really an option.

Sundays: 4:00pm is really cutting it close for me because my church ends at 12:30pm, then we usually meet at a restaurant for lunch, followed by an hour-long drive back home.

I might be able to make it sometimes... but I don't want to rush IRL fellowship.
I could swing 4 or 5pm...I'm usually around at those times (day of rest 'n all) unless I'm just plain away for the weekend. I might have to duck out early sometimes to run the audio at the evening services, but otherwise I'm good with that.
Well Shags and I showed up for the practice and had three great games... He has really improved, I was sweating bullets the whole time.
Thread "stuck" for reference. Practices are still every Sunday @ 5.00 PM Eastern, 4.00 PM Central, 3.00 Mountain, 2.00 Pacific.
Hello, my name is Scott. I was interested in DM play, and was instructed to introduce myself on the forums. I am not sure if this is where I am supposed to do that, but here I am.

I haven't tried to log on via the UT servers yet, as there was a time, a few weeks ago, where I couldn't find TOJ, and I just stopped going online with UT, and have just played single player.

anyhow, let me know either here, or email me, to let me know when the next practice is (I know I missed today's, as I had a busy day today, and I just got the email from ColdSteel today - but he mentioned weekday practices as well).

God bless,

Hey Scott,

You're in the right place, and welcome! As posted above, TDM practices are on:

Sundays, 5pm EST

I don't have the IP info handy - I just moved this weekend and won't have a connection until week, maybe. :confused: (I'm at work right now, on Victoria Day no less)

Anyways, someone will be along here soon or will e-mail you directly with the info.

I'd recommend getting XFire, an instant messaging program for gamers. Most of the UT chapter uses it. You can look me up as "Shagz".

Also, grab TeamSpeak, if you don't have it already, so we can all actually talk to each other (if you have a mic/headset). For more info on Team Speak and the ToJ Teamspeak server, read this.

And lastly, make sure you check the formers at least every other day, as this is the best way to get a hold of anybody or disseminate news, like if a TDM practice is canceled or people can't make a practice, etc.

Hello Oldschool , welcome to the forums. Maybe I'm getting better about giving instructions on how to get
The original ToJ server isn't any more for reasons unknown to me. Maybe someday it will be back up. Usually I'm online at 10:00pm eastern time. Put ** in your buddy list to find any toj'r playing anywhere in any type of game. Use the * too. cya []*Tribe*of*Judah*2v2*TDM:*
This is the team dm server provided by Kraniac.
I'll email you the password.
I don't know if I am doing this right. I put ** in my buddy list, and nothing happened. I couldn't find anyone on line lately, and when I put in the IP address, I am in a map all by myself. I was busy this last Sunday afternoon, and I will be this next Sunday (my daughter has a dance recital at the same time as practice), so I don't know what would be a good option for me to get in some practice with you guys.


God bless,