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as for drinks go i prefer a quad shot whole milk latte.
Bah, drop the milk, drink the quad shot straight up! That's what I'm talking about. Find a place that has good espresso, it's one of the most important things in life. And for everyone out there, there is NO X. It is in fact pronounced as it is spelled ES-PRESS-O
hmm....i'm a Southerner, so the end-all an be-all of drink is of course

Sweet Tea.

Everyone drinks sweet tea, with every meal, an at any chance to do so between meals.  As soon as you are able to hold a cup, you are expected to be drinking sweet tea, if not sooner.  

Sweet Tea is for everyone, and you must drink it at least once a week, or you will be escorted to the Mason-Dixon Line and forcibly removed from the South
you roxxorz, atown. and i have to say, sweet tea is pretty rad, when done properly. that is, a 3:1 sugar:water ratio:p d= <----my thumbs up
ive tried grits and im not a big fan and espresso from starbucks pwns all
I dislike tea....course I'm from Indiana....but all of my family likes Tea, mostly because my mom's entire side of the family is from the i'd have to disagree with the south being all about tea, i think the country is too!....i'm just weird I suppose

Not that ya'll didn't know that.

My drink of choice is usually water or sometimes DP or Dew

The bestest drink and my favorite is Minute Maid Strawberry Passion...or something like that

Fruitopia is really stinking good too!

I'm a big non-caffienated beverage person.
frutopia is good but can be too sweet. od rather get my energy from caffine then from suger
Man forget the pure caffeine stuff, i drink multiple bottles of dr pepper or mountain dew instead of a couple dinky cans of that expensive crap.

i need somethin i can chug
ever try chugging an ice latte?? it works better than hot lattes lol
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]hmm....i'm a Southerner, so the end-all an be-all of drink is of course

Sweet Tea.

but it has to be home made. none of that pre bottled junk. Sweet tea is the greatest drink on the planet.

Clarification for northern folk, sweet tea is not ice tea, sorry. You guys don't add the massive amounts of sugar to your tea that we do. If you ever see a southerner order tea up north they wipe out all sugar packets within their area to get that sweet souther taste
the only tea i drink is chai and it pwns ur weak "southerner" tea with its caffine