Post problem ?


New Member
Hi all. New member Nijole (<< game name) with a few questions. I posted a few times, mostly to say hi and thank you for letting me in to ToJ. One posting was what i thought was the Redeemed general forum but I never saw that it made it on. Maybe i can ask you all. I have a level 70 Gnome Rogue, mostly Kara and a little assorted gear. Wondering if Redeemed accepts new transfers from other servers and what i need to do to app (if I decide to make the change..PvE to PvP scares me). Anyway regardless if I make the change or not it sure is nice to meet and interact with other Christians that play WoW. I play currently on Suramar and while the guild I am in is pretty good and has some RL friends in it, it has become increasingly R rated which I do not need in a game. :cool:

Your brother in Christ
Your account was likely in the moderation queue. I approved the entire user moderation queue about a week and a half ago (which later turned out to be a gross error), so you're now able to post without your posts first landing in the post moderation queue.

In short: You're good to go!