Amicus Dei of [FoG]
New Member
In all the games where you can create a character (Sims, GW, etc...) her character has resembled her...
When I first started creating characters I did the same. I see it almost as an iteration of the old choose your own adventure books...
btw... do I get a cookie for every post I read?!?
If I can customize my character, I make it look as close to myself as possible, unless "close" is out of the question (GW). In games like GW, I pick the one I would want to look like if I was the character... (I actually picked the wrong hair style on my ranger main character, and it bothers me... I wanted the red colored hair with the feather in the headband xD )
btw... I already gave you a half dozen cookies this month, you don't need any more.