PlanetSide Players


New Member
I would like to know anyone and everyone who plays PlanetSide. If you do not, and wish to try it, go to If you have Windows XP, you can download it for free. If not, you can try the free 7-day trial.


Optional -
Battle Rank:
Command Rank:
any other info you would like to include:

Name: GlennP
Server: Markov
Empire: Terran Republic

Optional -
Battle Rank: 09
Command Rank: 00
any other info you would like to include:
- I am currently in the Outfit "Death to All"(d2a). It is a large outfit.
-My certs include:
--Standard ExoSuit
--Standard Assault
--Agile ExoSuit
--Medium Assault
--Heavy Assault
--Reinforced ExoSuit

-If you have PlanetSide, you can view my character on the website:
Topic pinned.
(If anyone with rights to post to the Tribe of Judah news page gets to it before I do, please post a news item about this thread.)
Whoa....did you just say I can get it for free if I have XP?

I downloaded the trial, and it wouldnt start. I contacted tech support, by the time they responded I lost most of my trial time. meh
Even though there's been few responses thus far, I'd like to keep this thread alive so that new members who play Planetside can find this thread and track down other ToJ members. Also, when I'm able to appoint a Lead Recruiter, Planetside will be one of the first games for which I'll try to build a member base and start a chapter. It has an excellent social aspect, no gore (from what I've seen), and no obvious sexual or occult overtones. It's a perfect choice for a ToJ chapter!
I've been wanting to join an online game, I used to play EQ and DAOC but got bored of the standard get lousy armor, kill furry creatures, get better armor, get killed repeatedly by mobs being trained by a higher level player with a sick sense of humor. What is the PS community like, how big are the servers, how many players? So many questions...