Pirates of the Caribean


I saw it and loved it! I'd recommend it to anyone. (I've heard the Xbox game -- although unrelated -- is pretty awesome too)

If you've seen it and also ridden the ride, did you catch the scenes from the ride that they included in the movie?
I'm intending to see it - but I'd hardly describe it as one of the best movies in the year.

After all, the latter part of this year includes:

1. Lord of the Rings 3: Return of the King
2. Matrix: Revolution
3. Harry Potter 3
4. X-Men 3 (maybe, might be next year)

As you can see, it's a GOOD christmas season for flicks...

DUDE THIS MOVIE ROXS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR ROXS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah its AWSOME!!!!!!!!!
personally i did not think the movie was that interesting.
i expected survival instincts articulated such as waterworld. instead i find out it's a walt disney movie with a cliché happy ending to it. i always wonder what other viewers must think after watching the hero save the day and getting the girl of his dreams living happily ever after a few hundred times in a few hundred movies and don't find that boring! if i was immortal bestowed by a curse, you'd think i'd confine myself to being a pirate? heck i'd withdraw from the crew, find mr. turner, kill him so the curse will never revert, simulate my own neuro system, consume everything and live happily EVER afte... wait.. that wouldn't be appropriate for the audience. then again i wouldn't be so sarcastic if directors would stop devising stories about "the hero following his fate! saving the world! and gets to screw the girl of his dreams!" this is how young people are brought up through entertainment and why entertainment itself or art hasn't really progressed since the 20's and 30's.
there are parts of the movie that didn't make sense and it dragged. i enjoyed the first half a lot better and jack was quite an interesting character. other than that i suggest people watch something more constructive.

I only had Brak tell me he heard it wasn't that great.

I'ts not released here for another month. DOH

but i saw the preview yesterday at apple.com

pretty cool

Haven't seen Pirates yet, but planning to see it this weekend. I heard it was "20 minutes too long". Anyway, I'll have to watch it and decide for meself, mateys!.

Ahoy! <patch the pirate picture here> Saw the movie, and it was pretty good! A little different storyline perhaps (
), but it was good. Still waiting for the "good" movies to come out, namely Return of the King.
