
sorry you didnt get a real answer, only us fan-boys stating our love for Xfire!

cmon you know you want game messanging without having to alt-tab out. Check to see which friends are online and which server and send them tells without having to log in to WoW! Fast WoW movie and game demo downloads! the list goes on.
Pardon my french but this patch "blows" ... we were doing bwl last night and everyone that died fell through the world and died, then were ported to SW we wound up calling it after vael
sorry you didnt get a real answer, only us fan-boys stating our love for Xfire!

cmon you know you want game messanging without having to alt-tab out. Check to see which friends are online and which server and send them tells without having to log in to WoW! Fast WoW movie and game demo downloads! the list goes on.

All of the above would require me taking the time to actually learn the program....
What does Exalted with AV get you with Patch?

Epic Ram for 8g. But is if you do not already have an epic mount, you NOW must spend 740G for 150 riding skill....Powderpuff is not happy!