Patch Problems!!!!!!!!!

Downtime has been extended again for at least another hour. Be patient. Honestly, this is no where near as bad as things were in 2004, when patchs days could mean no access for days on days. And if you could log on, there was no gaurantee of loging off, or of your world even being populated. A few hours is nothing in comparison.
Had problems getting my VISTA system to update.

solution was to right click the Icon that launches WOW and select run as admin.
Had problems getting my VISTA system to update.

solution was to right click the Icon that launches WOW and select run as admin.

Step One: Click on the Biohazard symb.. Windows logo at the bottom left

Step Two: Select shutdown.

Step Three: Wait.

Step Four: Remove Hard Drive from computer.

Step Five: Burn it as it has been contaminated.

Step Six: Buy new Hard Drive.

Step Seven: Install Linux.

Step Eight: Enjoy having an OS that doesn't make supercomputers perform like 386's.
Step Eight: Enjoy having an OS that doesn't make supercomputers perform like 386's.

XP wasn't bad comparatively to Vista. In order to run Linux, dont' you need an IQ of 40,000 when dealing with computers?