PAtch Notes 1.2

<goggle crafting list>
* Players will now receive a Fragment, a Magic Essence, and a Gold Dust on a successful Salvage.
* New Containers have been added for Talisman making.
* Talismans now stack in your inventory.
* Crafting materials from skill 75 - 149 will appear on the guild merchant at Guild Rank 21.
* All buff potions will now persist through death.
* Alter Fate: This ability is now affected by the Anti-Resurrection effect present at some encounters.

I assume this means in boss fights.

* Resistance Talismans have had their effect reduced by 50%.
* Stable potions effects have been made significantly stronger.

I would assume that this combination would make it so potions are more important for resistance fights in Bastion.

* Talisman crafting will now only require a Fragment and Container to successfully craft a Talisman. Components have been made optional and will continue to increase the power of the Talisman.
* New Containers have been added for Talisman making.
* Talismans now stack in your inventory.

* Talisman-Making fragments can now be Scavenged.
* Talisman-Making boxes have been added to harvest drop tables.
* Scavenging drop rates have been improved.
* Cultivation additives have been removed.
* Apothecary ingredients have been removed.

Oh, happy day!

Lost Vale
Lost Vale has benefitted from some significant changes in version 1.2. We have itemized the dungeon with a number of new drops as well as improved a number of older items. In addition, we have revised the drops for most of the bosses in order to improve the chances of getting set items for each career.

What's the Lost Vale?
Player Mounts
* Many mounts have been renamed. Existing mounts will have their names updated.
* We have added two additional mount variants for each race. These have been added to the Stable masters in the capital cities.
* We have added three additional mount variants exclusive to guilds only. These can be purchased by visiting the Guild Quartermaster once your guild reaches Guild Rank 25.
* We have added three new improved mounts (Faster & Lower dismount chance) exclusive to guilds only. These can be purchased by visiting the Guild Quartermaster once your guild reaches Guild Rank 37.
Lost Vale is the instance that comes after Sigmars/Warpblades and requires 5 Greater Wards.

The career changes are horrible, imo. They are giving the WE something that damages me every time I parry an attack. That right there takes away my only advantage over a WE. Then Mythic makes my openers hit for less damage, which shouldn't happen because all the openers require the enemy to do something voluntary. After that, they even made my Blessed Bullet damage mitigable, so there goes my best source of damage... and on top of that, they buffed healing. So now, I deal less damage against everything, and healers will have no problem out-healing my damage after I get detaunted... this looks really, really bad for my favorite class, I'm not sure if it's even going to be playable after this, but I'll give it a try.

Am I the only one that happened to notice that they are buffing the WP, even after Mythic said that they thought the WP was the most OP class in the game? If the WP is the most OP class, and they are buffing it, why in the world are they nerfing my WH?

Sorry for the rant, I just don't think that Mythic knows what they are doing.
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Then again, this is for the test server, yes? So there is still time to make changes, like they did with the healing nerf thing.
This patch has major changes hidden inside of it. It looks like an almost complete make over of Orvr. I mean siege engines will become much more powerful? What the heck does that mean all those pads might become useful?

New control mechanisms? I heard a bit, but the zerg is going to have to split up to protect all the BO's if I am reading it correctly.

Lots of changes in general means lots to learn about and see.
Just thought about this stuff some more, and I think that with these changes to Scavenging and Butchering, they need to allow those who took Scavenging for the stabilizers and apothecary ingredients to switch over to Butchering with the same skill level, because they made such huge changes to each of the professions and are making Scavenging no longer drop apothecary stuff.
Oh wow... they're bringing in the DPS classes this early? Thought it would be around summer when they're brought in, but yeah, when those go Live, I'm totally gonna pick up a time card and reroll Knight and Slayer. ^___^

But the non class changes do like rather impressive. This may bring a lot back to WAR.
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This patch has major changes hidden inside of it. It looks like an almost complete make over of Orvr. I mean siege engines will become much more powerful? What the heck does that mean all those pads might become useful?
It means that when I fire a cannon at a squishy little healer or magic DPS type person it will actually hurt them. Instead of being tantamount to throwing small rocks it will be like throwing considerable sized rocks.

More importantly, I would like for them to do something about the population problems... I think that the new mounts may help order more than destro, but I do not know how much.

Destro classes for the most part look so much cooler than Order's counterparts. If they look cooler then chances are that more people will play them...

Order gets horses and mechanical contraptions, thats it. Destro gets Horses, discs, boars, dogs and raptors.

Srsly now.
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Order gets horses and mechanical contraptions, thats it. Destro gets Horses, discs, boars, dogs and raptors.

Srsly now.

Yeah, but they also have to put up with Bikini Melee DPS running around, very ugly faces in customization, 13-year olds, drab towns, Orkz, and even more 13-year olds playing as Bikini Melee DPS.

I'll take the pretty ponies and roflcopters any day.
I like how you can get faster mounts if you are in a rank 37+ guild.

I wonder how much the first Rank 37 guild will charge to let you become a member, buy the mount, then get gkicked :)