Patch 1.11 is now available for download from TF ...


You can snag the patch from our website. Please do not advertise it outside of these forums. If I find we are being linked, I will have to take it down. Now on to the patch, Blizzard has chosen to treat this patch a bit differently in that they have created a new directory with 4 files in it:

\wow-patch ( -

Blizzard Updater.exe

The patch I have posted is simply a zip of this directory. I have tested it on other machines and it works great. Just double-click the Blizzard Updater.exe and you are off to the races.
FYI: I had some difficulty downloading the patch from Blizzard directly (got stuck around 83% done), but eventually after retrying a few times I got it to download all the way. I wish I had seen this post before that little effort, but oh well. :)

I read on the tech support forums that a lot of people are having the same problem.
I have turned off TS for now as well seeing as this poor box is several years old and doesn't have the jam it once had ;) I will reenable it for the evening.
My connection with the Blizzard downloader has been timing out and failing to respond to connection requests... after several tries, I'm giving up on Blizz's DLr and snagging the full zip from Adam's post. Sorry for sucking up bandwidth :(

Just FYI, 83% was where the pre-patch downloader left off - just over 127 megs.. the full file is 151.5 megs.
Just imagine how long it would of taken if you had to pull the whole 151meg this morning instead of the leftovers.
I think that first 83% is what the Bliz background downloader had already grabbed over the last 2 weeks. That also explains why the multiple files.
hehe, nope its up but I don't throttle so first one in with a leecher wins ;) I'm watching it in real time, poor thing
I had downloaded the patch in about 30 min from fileplanet, put the 3 parts in the wow-patch folder as they said and started the game. It went to the blizzard downloader, got to 85%, and stopped. I am not sure why it is trying to download it when I already have it downloaded. What am I doing wrong? And Adam, will yours fix this problem?

You need to run the Blizzard Updater.exe and chances are that file needs to exist in the same folder as those three new files.
Well, I got it to work on Ken and Elijah's...trying mine now. The downloader had to sit there a bit before it worked on Elijah's, but it finally went; and with Ken's it just sped thru the download and install with no problem.
