Pull (one of the following)
Avenging Shield
Holy Wrath
Run in screaming "I am the Lawgivah!"
Let the stupid DPS pull, take a seat, wait 1-2 hits for the DPS to die, pick up all the mobs and tank them
Rotation Multi Mob or quick agro
Seal of Righteousness
Holy Shield
Judge Righteousness
Re-Seal of Righteousness
Rinse and Repeat taking into consideration Holy Shield cool down above all other abilities
Rotation Boss
Seal of the Crusader
Holy Shield
Judge Seal of the Crusader
Seal of Vengeance
Let it stack a couple times
Judge Vengeance
Rinse and Repeat, a 5 stack of SoV will stay up as long as you have SoV on while in melee so you typically have to let it stack fully once
Why Seal of Righteousness (SoR) vs Seal of Vengeance (SoV)? SoR is great for snap agro as the judgement is always for the same amount. SoV judges for more after you have a full stack of debuffs on the target. So for short quick fights when you might not get a full stack of SoV applied or where you need to establish agro quickly go with SoR. For long fights like individual bosses use SoV. You will generate more threat per second with SoV after you get the stack up.
So those are my two generic suggestions for rotations. The reason I open with consecrate and not Holy Shield after a pull is because you don't want to let HS charges go to waste as often times during a pull, the mobs are slowed by Avenging Shield until they get to you. Feel free to sprinkle in healthy doses of trinkets, consumables and Exorcisms when needed.
Soloing Mobs
This really depends on the mob. I would recommend that you single out spell using mobs. Pallies have poor spell mitigation unless you are combining resist gear with an aura. Melee mobs can be solo'd one of two ways. If they are low damage mobs, pull many to you and AOE grind them down. Redoubt, holy shield, blessing of sanctification and ardent defender help you mitigate a lot of damage. If they are heavy hitting mobs with lots of health (like elite mobs) pull as singles and use seal/judgement of light/wisdom with a fast one hand (and reckoning) to extend your health/mana regen. Never equip a two hander to solo. Sword and board is the only way to go unless you severely want to gimp your DPS output. To kill things quicker, mix in spell damage/healing plate. To last longer, mix in tanking plate.