Paladin Tanks


New Member
I'm going to repost an OP off of the WoW forums and a response as it's better than stating anything myself.

Right now I'm 0/49/12. I can tank Karazhan fine.
I can tank Heroics fine. I'm looking to the future. If I will never be a viable 25 man raid tank I need to know now so that I can just respec and start collecting gear for a Holy spec. What I don't want to do is go to Karazhan, take a Tier4 or other tanking piece and find out that it was a waste. If I'm never going to tank past Karazhan there is no reason for me to take the Tier4 tanking set or take any off Tier tanking gear. I should be giving that to the Warriors and focusing on my end game progression in healing.

We NEED Blizzard to respond. Not later, NOW. We have to know if we are intended to be a 5 man/Kara tank and nothing else or if we will be able to tank in 25 mans. Its an issue of how the gear is set up combined with raid timers. Wasting a Tier4 token on tanking gear that will never be used hurts the entire guild, especially when it could have been used on healing gear that would have helped everyone.

I'm tired of Blizzard dodging the subject and not responding. We, as a class, MUST know what our end game role is. If it is only healing so be it, just tell us straight out so we can gear accordingly. Our Ret tree is dead, our Protection tree is worthless past Kara. If neither of these trees are viable we need to know before we start wasting tokens and stealing drops from real classes.

All it would take is a Blue saying "Paladins are not meant to be a end game MT" and we would know. People could agrue and whatever on the forums, but those of us actually playing would know what we need to do to not [mess up] our friends and ourselves.

The devs actually mentioned today that Paladin tanking wasn't exactly where they wanted it to be and there would be attention paid towards that end of things. Overall, they do expect Paladins, Druids and Warriors to fill tanking roles in end-game, whatever they may be. While there may be a flavor distinction between tanks, we don't want to (or want the players to) find some rigid hierarchy by which classes are measured in their tanking potential to the third decimal point.
Interesting, as I approach 70 I've been wondering what kind of Pally the guild will need to support what ever level of end-game raiding we try to do. I've been torn between doing the Holy Healing thing or the Prot Tanking thing. I don't know if any of the guild officers have started talking about this yet or not. A little bit of direction and I'd pick one and go with it...
I know Rengeof is going tanking, and I 100% support anyone who wants to learn how to be a Pally tank.

Honestly, there are no guides to pally tanking. They have yet to be written because this is a relatively new field. I know Connor has some experience (he's been holding aggro on Osk before paladins COULD hold aggro) and would probably love to help out with his knowledge.

Frankly, (not that it's necessarily my place to say) I don't think this is something that the guild officers NEED to talk about. We have never defined player classes and speccs and I sincerly hope that we don't start now. If you want to play a pally tank, go respecc, collect gear, and start running instances. Make sure you let people know that you'll be tanking (so dumb bare durids like me don't assume they are) and we'll gladly work with you so that we can ALL learn how pally tanking works.

I firmly believe that, along with warrior tanking and druid tanking, pally tanking is something that Blizzard intends to have happening in the near future, and as such if we want to progress into the end game, we will definitely want a small crew of dedicated, effective tankadins.
I certainly wasn't suggesting I wanted to be TOLD what spec to play, but more to get a sense of what the guild intrest and need is for endgame toons to raid. Pre TBC I played some kind of hybrid pitch in healing dps otherwise kind of build. I've gone heavily Holy, main healed some 5 man with some help healing on toughest bosses. The guild roster hasn't been updated so it is tough to get a sense of the tank to healing ratio. Right now I really don't have a strong preference either way.
Currently, I think our guild has a decent number of tanks. What we really lack in is healing, primary and secondary.

However, as a player who has played mainly healing and healing/hybrid classes, I have found that if you are determined enough, you can spec protection (as paladin) and still be an adequate main healer when needed, IF you are mindful of building a healing set of plate.

John mentioned how on Osk (now Kagnus) I was doing the paladin tanking thing and was able to hold aggro before paladins were given buffs in aggro management. I will now let my secret out (actually, I have told this to anyone who would listen :) ) - heal WHILE you tank.

As a player who played a priest as a main for a while, I know all too well how heal generated threat is a great mob attention getter. On Osk, I would leverage this mechanic in tanking. I would do all the other tricks to gain aggro, but during the fight, I always tried to throw a heal out every so often. Usually, I would throw it out to the main healer to help him/her out so they did not have to worry about their own health too much.

Another thing I would do to this end was not so much to focus on +def gear like warriors would, but on +heal/spell damage gear. This helps increase your holy damage output (the main method of getting and holding aggro for paladins) AND added to your heals which helped the group out while increasing your healing threat.

One last thing I did was to make sure I always had Seal of Command in any spec build I did. This might really be more of a personal choice, however the burst damage from a SoC crit seemed to be about on par with a 10 second taunt cooldown ability, and would let me regain aggro if I lost it.

I truly miss paladin tanking, but I also immensely enjoy playing a feral druid who can main heal when needed.
Im actually doing it the other way around. Healing spec while working on a tanking set. In prot I have redoubt, toughness to help out some. (I agree with the threat generation advice, I tend to throw heals on the MH if I'm tanking) Though I gave SOC up for more healing talents. While I like aoe tanking, (Where pallies can really shine) I'm not really interested in my pally being a MT on single mobs or bosses. I have a warrior for that. If I did want a prot build pally for tanking, I'd do what Connor is suggesting: work on a healing set.

We are low on it would def help out.

Yes it does, you learn quick after you have finished an off tank encounter to de-buff Righteous Fury before you go back to healing, I've pulled aggro before with a string of crit heals with Righteous Fury up.
Ok Im going to be blunt here is why i'm not happy in a group when a pally is MT .
I know this does not apply to all pallys but it really has driven me away from wanting to group with a pally who is going to MT.

first...They use mana, I realize pallys have a pretty large mana pool, however when that mana is gone *SQUISH* -- then you see the pally running around hitting the things while you are dieing (sorry but Ive experienced that too much particularly on one of the days I decided I was going to spec into resto and give that a shot again). Second, unlike Warriors and Druid tanks you are ALWAYS in a position where you can throw a heal on yourself atleast...granted warriors can take a potion and druids can use their regen -- but those are not as significant. healing = threat. I mean i'm not saying stop and bandage everyone in the group!

In shadowlabs, I was with a group and a few didnt jump out of the fire fast enough I popped up and released tranquility..wouldnt you know the boss came to me faster than the speed of light he didnt even bother finishing casting his fire he wanted me dead!

It comes down to knowing how to play your class and I certainly do not like telling people how to play their I really dont like people telling me how to play my class...just be smart about what your doing and people will be happy.

so those are my thoughts..and im sure people have thoughts about druid tanks..but w/e :)

I certainly do believe these instances we are running now as 70's are calling for certain group make ups, even specific healers for various places and certain dps however are still doable if you have people who can think on their feet.
Just a small guide on how tanking stats affect paladins, and a small gear list you can farm if you want to be a competent tank.

Unlike Shield Block, Holy Shield does not push Crushing Blows off the table by itself. Additional prevention is required. Their main priority is to get their Defense Skill up to 490. If they have the Anticipation, then this requires 288 Defense Rating. Human Paladins with Holy Shield up, Libram of Repentance equipped, the Anticipation talent maxed out, the Deflection talent maxed out and an additional 288 Defense Rating from gear have the following avoidance:
78,81% + (Defense Rating beyond 288 / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Parry Rating / 31.5)% + (Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)%

Human Paladins need an additional 21,19% chance to prevent Crushing Blow and Regular Hit. To upgrade prevention by 1%, you need:
- 7.9 Block Rating
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 15 Defense Rating (Warrior and Paladin)
- 25 Agility (Paladin)
- 31.5 Parry Rating

To reach 100% prevention of Crushing Blow and Regular hit while remaining immune to Critical Hits, you need:
- 288 Defense Rating + 168 Block Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 318 additional Defense Rating = 606 Defense Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 401 Dodge Rating
- 288 Defense Rating + 530 Agility Bonus
- 288 Defense Rating + 668 Parry Rating

Of course, you can use a combination of Block Rating, additional Defense Rating, Dodge Rating, Agility Bonus and Parry Rating, as long as the following formula gives a result of 21.19% or higher:
(Block Rating / 7.9)% + (Defense Rating beyond 288 / 15)% + (Dodge Rating / 18.9)% + (Agility Bonus / 25)% + (Parry Rating / 31.5)%

Dwarven Paladins need 21.35%. Draenei Paladins need 21.31%. Blood Elven Paladins need 21.11%.

If 100% prevention is reached, additional Block chance becomes useless, as it falls of the table. Therefor, once 490 Defense Skill and 100% prevention are reached, only complete avoidance helps. To upgrade complete avoidance by 1%, you need:
- 18.9 Dodge Rating
- 20 Defense Rating (Warrior and Paladin)
- 25 Agility (Paladin)
- 31.5 Parry Rating

Plate Defense Gear:

Breastplate of the Bold - The Arcatraz: Harbinger Skyriss
1164 Armor, 19 DefR, 33 Sta, 23 Str, 21 Agi, Sockets: Red, Red, Blue, +4 DefR.

Breastplate of the Righteous - The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh
1164 Armor, 20 DefR, 30 Sta, 28 Int, 23 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +2 Mana/5.

Jade-Skull Breastplate - The Mechanar: Nethermancer Sepethrea
1164 Armor, 25 DefR, 23 BlockR, 50 Sta, 30 Str.

Vindicator's Hauberk - Reputation: Aldor Revered.
1164 Armor, 46 DefR, 19 DodgeR, 39 Sta.

Breastplate of the Warbringer - Quest reward: Forge Camp: Annihilated (Nagrand)
1048 Armor, 31 DefR, 45 Sta, 30 HitR.

Legplates of the Bold - The Black Morass - Aeonus
1019 Armor, 26 DefR, 45 Sta, 31 Str, 19 Agi.

Legplates of the Righteous - The Black Morass - Aeonus
1019 Armor, 26 DefR, 27 Sta, 24 Int, 28 SpellD, 10 Mana/5.

Greaves of the Shatterer - The Shattered Halls: Warchief Kargath Bladefist
1019 Armor, 25 DefR, 37 Sta, 25 Str, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +6 BlockV.

Felsteel Leggings - Profession: Blacksmithing (6 Felsteel Bar)
1200 Armor, 33 DefR, 39 Sta, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +4 DodgeR.

Timewarden's Leggings - Reputation: Keepers of Time Revered
1019 Armor, 18 DefR, 11 DodgeR, 57 Sta, Sockets: Red, Blue, Yellow, +6 BlockV.

Legguards of the Resolute Defender - Quest Reward: Destroy Naberius! (Netherstorm)
942 Armor, 31 DefR, 20 ParryR, 42 Sta, 23 Agi.

Warhelm of the Bold - The Botanica: Warp Splinter
946 Armor, 20 DefR, 23 Sta, 24 Str, 22 Agi, Sockets: Blue, Meta, +4 Str.

Helm of the Righteous - The Mechanar: Pathaleon the Calculator
946 Armor, 21 DefR, 30 Sta, 20 Int, 23 SpellD, 6 Mana/5, Sockets: Yellow, Meta, +4 Int.

Greathelm of the Unbreakable - The Shattered Halls: Grand Warlock Nethecurse
922 Armor, 30 DefR, 48 Sta, 36 Str.

Felsteel Helm - Profession: Blacksmithing (8 Felsteel Bar)
1206 Armor, 33 DefR, 27 Sta, Sockets: Red, Blue, Blue, +4 HitR.

Myrmidon's Headdress - Quest Reward: The Warlord's Hideout (Coilfang Reservoir)
946 Armor, 33 DefR, 37 Sta, 17 Str, Sockets: Red, Meta, +4 Str.

Shoulderguards of the Bold - Shadow Labyrinth - Murmur
873 Armor, 17 DefR, 25 Sta, 25 Str, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.

Spaulders of the Righteous - The Botanica: Laj
873 Armor, 20 DefR, 22 Sta, 22 Int, 15 SpellD, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 DefR.

Fanblade Pauldrons - Auchenai Crypts: Shirrak the Dead Watcher (Heroic)
873 Armor, 20 DefR, 15 ParryR, 22 Sta, 16 Str, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 ParryR.

Nexus-Guard's Pauldrons - Quest Reward: Success! (Netherstorm)
767 Armor, 17 BlockR, 27 Sta, 17 Agi, 26 BlockV.

Gauntlets of the Bold - The Steamvault: Warlord Kalitresh
728 Armor, 14 DefR, 31 Sta, 17 Str, 16 Agi, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 ParryR.

Gauntlets of the Righteous - Shattered Halls: Warchief Kargath Bladefist
728 Armor, 19 DefR, 22 Sta, 20 Int, 21 SpellD, 7 Mana/5.

Thatia's Self-Correcting Gauntlets - The Arcatraz - Dalliah the Doomsayer
728 Armor, 18 DefR, 35 Sta, 16 Str, 39 BlockV.

Felsteel Gloves - Profession: Blacksmithing (6 Felsteel Bar)
892 Armor, 25 DefR, 27 Sta, Sockets: Red, Blue, +3 ParryR.

Gauntlets of the Chosen - Reputation: Scryer Revered
728 Armor, 35 DefR, 30 Sta, 15 Agi.

Dauntless Handguards - Quest Reward: Fel Embers (Hellfire Citadel)
722 Armor, 25 BlockR, 38 BlockV, 36 Sta.

Boots of the Colossus - Mana-Tombs: Pandemonius (Heroic)
800 Armor, 19 DefR, 27 Sta, 22 Str, Sockets: Blue, Yellow, +3 DefR.

Flesh Beast's Metal Greaves - Quest Reward: Someone Else's Hard Work Pays Off (Mana-Tombs)
680 Armor, 18 DefR, 28 DodgeR, 25 Sta.

Girdle of the Immovable - The Slave Pens: Quagmirran (Heroic)
655 Armor, 18 DefR, 12 BlockR, 33 Sta, 17 Str, Sockets: Red, Yellow, +3 DodgeR.

Sha'tari Wrought Waistguard - Quest reward: How to Break Into the Arcatraz (Tempest Keep)
655 Armor, 20 DefR, 24 BlockR, 33 Sta, 29 BlockV.

Lightwarden's Girdle - Quest reward: Deathblow to the Legion (Netherstorm)
622 Armor. 23 DefR, 30 Sta, 14 Int, 28 SpellD.

Girdle of the Lost Vindicator - Quest reward: Aldor No More (Netherstorm)
590 Armor, 18 DefR, 39 Sta, 18 Str.

Vambraces of Daring - Hellfire Ramparts: Nazan & Vazruden (Heroic)
509 Armor, 11 DefR, 26 Sta, 18 Str, 23 BlockV.

Sha'tari Wrought Armguards - Quest reward: The Soul Devices (Auchendoun)
509 Armor, 12 DefR, 18 Sta, 20 Str, Sockets: Yellow, +3 Sta.

Bracers of the Green Fortress - Profession: Blacksmithing (6 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 20 Primal Life, 1 Primal Nether)
581 Armor, 17 DefR, 10 DodgeR, 39 Sta.

Azure-Shield of Coldarra - Badges of Justice: 33
4261 Armor, 20 DefR, 28 Sta, 131 BlockV.

Crest of the Sha'tar - Reputation: The Sha'tar Exalted
4058 Armor, 11 DefR, 18 Sta, 117 BlockV, Sockets: Blue, Blue, 3 DodgeR.

Platinum Shield of the Valorous - Shadow Labyrinth: Ambassador Hellmaw
3711 Armor, 24 DefR, 33 Sta, 83 BlockV.

Shield of the Wayward Footman - World Drop
3329 Armor, 16 DefR, 18 BlockR, 24 Sta, 71 BlockV.

[ Post edited by Compactd ]

Poster: Vaneras at 2007-03-19 02:16:13
Subject: Re: Pala tanking Statistics/gear guide.

Very nice... blue tagged :)

Maybe it would be a good idea if someone added this guide to one of the guide compilation stickies, like this one for an example:
Yaaa no kidding theres a ton of pally gear tanking & healing.....Ive probably seen every piece....drop because these instances are not giving out much luv to me! lol.
It comes down to the person's gear and playstyle (like everything else in WoW).

I've ran with some *very* good pally tanks recently and I've loved every minute of it.
I was discussing this earlier with someone and they brought up the point that if you are in a group with a tank that uses BLUE RAGE, you almost have to be in a group full of casters. If you are running with say..some melee peoples..the tank probably will not be able to withstand long enough to burn down the mobs (of course size pending..and individual dps) Everyone is certainly entitled to their own preferences:rolleyes:
Not wanting to be argumentative, but I'm not sure most of the "blue rage" statements I've heard are true. As long as the tankadin is getting steady heals he should have fairly steady mana.

I don't think it is that much of an issue... the only problem I can see is that when the healers' mana dries up, the pally's mana may dry up as well.

Oh, and completely off topic but in raids it is often a good idea to not have the pally healers heal themselves, and rather have other people heal them :) Mininirvate.
They would be true depending on the paladins you have played with..

If the healer is supa fly and has a huge mana pool and a pretty good mana regen, no problem over healing...Going in shattered halls having done this with a priest, pally, and druid healer I have seen them all run out of mana, even with a super dps group. So if the healer is over healing tank imo = wasted mana.

In addition, im not saying pallys need to stop and fully heal their self or their party, but in a pinch if things might be going bad it would hurt to throw their self a little heal --- particularly if they have the mana from being 'over healed' :)

As sheri said, she has run with some very good pallys and i on the other hand have not :) so its the other end of the perspective.

so ty for allowing me to express my opinions :)