Our Church Building

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New Member
Hi guys.

My name is Alejandro, I'm a Christian, a Pastor & a gamer!!

I pastor a Church in Mexico City, (LifePath Church)  and we need your prayers for the Lord to supply what is needed in order to rebuild our facilities.

You can check the info here:Life Path Church

It will help us a lot if you pass this to someone who might be interested.

Thanks for your prayers.

(sorry the misspelling)
Welcome to our forums, sir! I'd attempt to post in Spanish, but my Spanish is so rusty I'd only embarrass myself.

It's said that the rain falls on the just and unjust, so do not lose more time thinking over this situation than necessary. Instead, decide that this turn of events will NOT delay God's plan and instead stir you and your congregation on to even greater things.

Bienvenidos y vaya con Dios.
Thanks Tek7

This, of course, was mightly used by God to do a LOT of things in our church!!
We have grown in many ways.
We praise Him!!!!

We are now on the planning for the new building!

Muchas Gracias
Dios les bendiga.:)

p.s. I hope we can play online together sometime!
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