I would like to apologize for causing that wipe last night before the raid was started. At least I assume it was a wipe.
I am very sorry.


Thanks for posting... accepted, the reasons I was so upset was Ug and I had just talked about that... I have this standard rule for all raiders, "Don't click on anything unless you were told to" it is really that easy to avoid issues...

I think the biggest think to remember that everyone makes mistakes and if you learn from them you are doing good. I'll use a hunter as an exsample; Geo, when he first started raiding he didn't even have mis-direct (Never trained it) That didn't put a warm fuzzy in my mind. He made mistake after mistake... but he learned from each one and rarely made the same mistake twice and is one of the guilds better hunters (If he would just raid more, silly armed forces). That is the key to raiding and riading well, learn fast from your mistakes.

Did you forget the Proudfoot restarting the Opera Event after we killed it? Nothing like Roar running up to the balcany to kill the raid.

I think it was Geo that pulled shot the crowd.