
New Member
I would like to apologize for causing that wipe last night before the raid was started. At least I assume it was a wipe.

I heard that the lady was going to give out a buff and I accidentally started the event, because I thought we all needed to click on her to get the buff.

I was not told to "click" on her.

I did not read the text that popped up when I clicked on her, and I should have.

I did not notice the raid instructions that stated we should not click on anyone, and I should have.

I will compensate anyone for the repair bill and any consumable costs incurred.

I am very sorry.

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Don't worry about it too much man, it's just very important to be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to the raid leaders. If you're not 100% sure about something just ask the raid leaders.

Fortunately (sorta), the server crashed at around the 2nd wave on that and we came back with no repair bill on that pull except Goblit.
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I would like to apologize for causing that wipe last night before the raid was started. At least I assume it was a wipe.

I heard that the lady was going to give out a buff and I accidentally started the event, because I thought we all needed to click on her to get the buff.

I was not told to "click" on her.

I did not read the text that popped up when I clicked on her, and I should have.

I did not notice the raid instructions that stated we should not click on anyone, and I should have.

I will compensate anyone for the repair bill and any consumable costs incurred.

I am very sorry.


Dude No worries.... Luckily the server crashed on that pull.... If you want to call it luck and we did not take any durability damage from it...

Lady Proudmore does give a buff.....but it is like a pally aura and you have to stand within like 30 or 40 yards to get it... no talking to her required. the buff gives you 100% spirit.

On the other hand things would have been alot better if you would have let us know who it was who asked you to do it... "the truth will set you free" my friend... either way no worries if anything you learned a new thing about the fight :)
WoW, your first post on the forums is an apology. Hope to see you spam here more! The more you spam, the more this event will be forgotten.
Kaileb, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!! I started it....FJ made it famous, Brug, Maher, Mastablasta and many others are honorary members.

It might not be what you want to be remembered for, but now lots of people know who you are! Now whenever we enter the instance, the raid leader can say to the raid, "Don't pull a Kaileb".....just like when I remind everyone not to shoot the audience in Opera......
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dont remind me of my one and only raid pull i messed up plz.

You mean the one where you ran in to the room and totaly did notice Void Reaver standing in the middle of the room? Now known as the Brug Pull?:D

Dude those are funny and fond memories... that is what makes raids fun sometimes... :)
Kaileb, WELCOME TO THE CLUB!! I started it....FJ made it famous, Brug, Maher, Mastablasta and many others are honorary members.

It might not be what you want to be remembered for, but now lots of people know who you are! Now whenever we enter the instance, the raid leader can say to the raid, "Don't pull a Kaileb".....just like when I remind everyone not to shoot the audience in Opera......

for the record it was my pet that pulled HKM not me...

but i guess stupid is as stupid does with hunters and their pets..


i shoulda rolled shaman..

Actually.....Masta wasn't it you who pulled the audience in opera? I thought it was....maybe you don't belong in the club....
Don't forget Meli's mom...
Minivans are FTL.

You don't have to apologize on the forums, you can do it in /raid or in /guild. You can post apologies on here if you'd like to though.

And if you don't want to apologize, blame it on the hunters, or a gnome... any class will do.
