ooo the goods

Ursen, are you running a 32 bit version of windows? In my digging and research I found that window's limits RAM that can be used by an application to around 1.5 gigs on a 32 bit system. This means in a high graphics situation your gpu is trying to pull more RAM than the OS will allow which results in an "out of memory" error,
which can and will crash the application trying to pull the memory.

on the other note: ALL SYSTEMS GO!!! msi mpower z77 mobo, core i5 3570k, msi twin frozr gtx660ti, samsung 840 pro ssd. woooooooot! I'm one happy individual.
also bought windows 8 to get rid of vista.
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64bit, I did find a temp monitor for gpu. Max for my gpu is 105C, but even at the higher settings in high demand situations I run no more than 70C.