Onyxia's Lair

Ok, we're trying another run to BRD tonight to get the two parchments for Windsor, and to do the Jailbreak event. At least 2 of us have Shadowforge keys now (that's what held us up last time), and we've got 4 committed, so what we need is a healer (even an off spec healer, as we are mostly high lvl for BRD) to help us out. Its posted on GC, you can sign up there, or just be online around 6:30 ST We should be on then, or by 7 at the latest.
Now that everyone completed the jailbreak that wanted to (and watched Onyxia's troops get massacred in Stormwind by 70's visiting), our next step is to enter the cave in Wintermoon. From reading the wowhead description, Jon and Dave could stealth their way in, but I don't think me or Stacy could make it all the way without aggroing any of the dragons. Let me know when we want to make the next step....

Seeing as the elites around Haleh are only 58s, we shouldn't have any trouble soloing it. I'd say Neil, you help Stacy out (as you're on the most), Jon & I can do it on our own time, and then start planning our raid for Drakk's blood. Let me know if you need help. I probably won't be on much until the weekend.

Oh, and I wouldn't mind hitting LBRS first, to get the quest line started for the other quest for Drakk, so I can get Blackhand's Breadth :) not to mention that fits our plan of doing pre BC Instances :)
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Or y'all can do like some of us oldtimers did...do a naked cave run, die, rez, repeat until you reach it. Kind of a pain, but when your guild had an Ony run in 30 minutes and you couldn't wait for a group it definitely worked. :D
I ain't scared of no dragons! Lemmee at 'em! I'll show 'em!!

Translation: I'm up for going to the cave whenever. Neil, next time you and I are on at the same time, let's go get that part done, it won't be bad.
Well, Jon and I went in, killing or avoiding dragonkin as we pleased. Then we met a nice friendly feller named Scryer. With 20 seconds or so of lag for me after I charged in, I 'came to' in time to see Jon die, while I was only at half health. I popped retaliation, and quickly died due to his nasty debuff.

Anyway :) we corpse ran back in, ported upstairs, and got our quest for Drakk's blood.

I'm thinking maybe sometime this weekend we could try an LBRS run (to get some pre-req quests) and attunement for UBRS. I know we could get guildies to let us in to Upper, but hey, we want to do it all anyways :) Post here for a time that's good for you. I'm thinking initially like a Friday evening, or Saturday afternoon.
If I'm online I'd be willing to come along. I'm still missing the last gem for my UBRS key which considering I must've run LBRS 50 times for my Robe of the Archmage pattern back in the day tells you how insane getting the UBRS key can be (of course I knew people that finished their key in 1 or 2 runs). No particular time is better or worse for me so just let me know whatever you decide.
I'm sure we'll be glad to have you :) Oh, and I've been told that all those key gems & necklace have been increased to 100% drop rate, so that will be nice. Keep an eye on group calendar, as it will likely be posted there and here.
If I'm around (and my play time lately has be severely limited) I'd be happy to go :)
I'm ready all weekend... I have it off :) I still would like to kill Scryer, Dave... whenever you and Jon are bored?
Well, with Sunday's Legacy UBRS run, we are now keyed for Ony! I'm wondering if we should try and pay the Black Dragon Mother a visit as early as January 12th. We'd probably go in the mid afternoon, so as not to conflict with other runs. And its not like its a long instance.

Don't sign up here, but be watching for it in Group Calendar. Neil, Mike, Stacy or Jon, post or let me/us know if that doesn't work. You can post here if you're not running GC.

We're gonna be looking for at least 25, if not a full 40 so we'll need all the help we can get :)
works for me!

Also, if there's anybody else that's interested but needs to get keyed, let us know and we may be able to get some more runs in before the 12th. I have no problems helping others get keyed for this. :)
I have canceled my WoW account, but it is still active until Feb. I would still be interested in doing Ony before my account goes inactive. I am on the UBRS part of the quest chain with my priest. That's all I need to get in. I don't use group calendar but I will install it tonight when I get home from work.
I missed Sunday's scheduled run. It was a crazy holiday weekend and there wasn't any time to play for me.
I think, due to Family (were all getting together after Christmas), I'll bump the run back to the next weekend, that would be the 19th. I'll update GC after I get home from vacation. Merry Christmas everyone.
You would have to respec to frost :p

Seriously, we'll be glad to have you if you get him ready.

Oh, and we have been talking about changing it from the 19th, but after lots of consideration, I think the 19th will still work the best. It would be nice to see some interest written down here, because for the level of feedback I've gotten so far, we'd be 7 manning Onyxia (which I've heard is actually doable, but not with my gear :o )