Onyxia's Lair and getting keyed ...


Ok, I think we, as a guild, need to get this series done. Currently only Deedlyt and Zenoir are able to do Onyxia raids. The following is the series quest you need ...


What I am suggesting we do is, as a group, we start at Abandoned Hope. I know some of you haven't done the first 7 steps but you can find groups to get you thru the first stages of this. From step 8 to step 14 is about 4 - 6 hours of solid questing. This is the part I am willing to do a guild run thru. This is one of the toughest parts to do as it is just time consuming.

Step 15 can only be done in UBRS and killing the General AND hoping for one of the very few bloods that drop from him. This is normally a ticketable item so please do not just ninja them off his body :)

Please post here if you are either able to help (>lvl 55) or more importantly, you are needing to proceed from step 7. Part of this time can be spent getting keyed for BRD as well even though it is a separate quest path and you need to be dead to get the quest from the quest giver but it is sharable.

I would suggest Friday evening or Sunday afternoon after 1:00 p.m. MST (server time). Saturday is out for me but if there is a group still willing, please feel free to go ahead.