Context and tone are two things that are near impossible to judge correctly over the internet. The internet has shown how important body language is in determining the context and tone of a word or sentance.
I would not judge anyone who used the term, but that doesnt mean that I like it. I am leaving a server with my Main for the reason that I want my daughter to be around people like you all. I would prefer that that term not be used. I would correct my daughter if she used the term.

"Thou Shalt not take the Lord thy God's name in vein" I see no exceptions to that rule. It doesnt matter how you slice it. Typing it is saying it.
The term "omg" is interpreted different by different people...this thread shows that. To tell someone in here, that their usage of it is taking the Lords name in vain is way out of line. Or to even say they are using God instead of gosh is out of line. If we want to express to them that it is offensive to us and explain why... that is one thing . We have no right to put words into peoples mouths or tell them that this is what is the intent of their heart.

When people are approached properly, they will usually out of respect stop doing what they are doing. If we right off the bat offend that person because they are doing something they have no idea is a probelm, they are going to get defensive back and a problem could arrise that didn't neccesarily have to. A respectfull approach whispers can save much face and future problems. Tottal disrespect can be delt with when that would arise with the individual.

Quoted from Lilminihaha:
While I agree with Scriptural back-up, it is hardly necessary...folks just need to be mature and do as requested if they can't they need the boot.

I dislike stupidity and immaturity...and repeating to buck the system when something is said fit into both categories.

In Closing...Do as your are told...or pack your is too short to spend it bickering in forums...END quote.

Words and phrases like these......"Stupidity" , "Immaturity", "do as your told or pack your bags and get booted from the guild","Bickering".........THEY HAVE NO PLACE IN HERE! .....These are a deliberate attack, degrading people in this guild and the people giving their thoughts even in this tread. Who are you to call people horrible things like this!

We best be carefull that we dont become so rightious that we start witch hunts in here! Respect goes both ways.
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Words and phrases like these......"Stupidity" , "Immaturity", "do as your told or pack your bags and get booted from the guild","Bickering".........THEY HAVE NO PLACE IN HERE! .....These are a deliberate attack, degrading people in this guild and the people giving their thoughts even in this tread. Who are you to call people horrible things like this!

We best be carefull that we dont become so rightious that we start witch hunts in here! Respect goes both ways.

Ah yes, here we have a misunderstanding in what was said. As I said in the WoW Forums, I'll say it here as well.

K.I.S.S : the military this means Keep It Simple let me apply this principle to my response...

Well Young, as I said in the beginning, I am here to step on toes cause I'm good at it. If you wanna use respect as a weapon allow me to help you see this from another view.

"Please don't stay offends me."

"Why? It means Oh My Gosh."

"I don't think it means that and have seen it used more often than not to mean Oh My God...and it really bothers me."

"Well I don't think it means get over it...I'm gonna use it anyways."

In this situation...the person that is offending is being STUPID and IMMATURE.

Call it like I see it... If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...then logical deduction would say it's a duck.

Now...feel free to nominate me for a boot...cause if you really wanna buck the system...

To tell someone in here, that their usage of it is taking the Lords name in vain is way out of line. Or to even say they are using God instead of gosh is out of line. If we want to express to them that it is offensive to us and explain why... that is one thing . We have no right to put words into peoples mouths or tell them that this is what is the intent of their heart.

Then I say that action is stupid and immature.

I dislike stupidity and immaturity...and repeating to buck the system when something is said fit into both categories

Not once did I call anyone stupid or immature...the action fits into that category.

Quite frankly, I don't care if you use it or not...but the point being made is that it offends folks in the guild. If you continually use it then you deserve to get kicked out of the guild. If you continue to try and defend the use of deserve to be kicked out of the guild.

And I'll say that to anyone...existing guild member/potential guild member/members in our parent/sister guilds. IF you want to defend something that other guild members find offensive..I have nothing for ya. I love ya and I'll pray for ya...but beyond that...I can't support ya in that action. Because that action will slowly errode the intergrity and moral fabric that ties this guild together.

And yes this thread has become Bickering...sorry Young, I think you are cool and all, but I'm stickin by my guns and if this puts your boxers in a knot, I'm sorry. That goes for anything that wishes to defend the use of OMG or any other terms that folks find offensive

I'll say this again... if you don't like it pack your bags. Life is too short to bicker in forums...over something so trivial as this. It's been indirectly stated not to use don't use it...PERIOD.

Is that an attack? want to defend somethng that offends guild members that is a blantant attack...and I plan to retaliate in due fashion, because I stick up for my guild...even if they aren't very popular in their views...cause it all comes down to where do your loyalties lie.

For the record, after this post I honestly don't care if you dislike me or want to ignore me in guild or even go as far as to talk to management and have my priviledges to post revoked/ get me kicked out of the only proves my point that you want to buck the system.

But as a suggestion perhaps someone should go thru and make a thread of terms/accronyms that the guild finds offensive. That would cull this little "agrument" and if you violate the list then action could be taken.

Either way do what you want, but I'm sticken by my guns.
Put away your guns Lilmimhaha. This is a discussion not a battle, a debate maybe. It just proves that there are many veiwpoints in the guild and in TOJ. Veiwpoints expressed in here are much easier to understand than those in guild is easy to misinterpret.

The officers have no intention of making rules about words said in guild chat. What we will speak up against though is people saying things to offend others. So when you get a whisper from an officer about saying "that horde is a retard", or "OMG look at what dropped",or "that Chinese farmer just ninja'd ____", keep in mind it is just a reminder that it offends people, not that we are kicking you from the guild for it. Spamming it in guild chat after the reminder is showing complete lack of respect and will most likely end up with you in the new Mediation channel which does restrict the privilege to talk in guild chat. If you like to offend people then maybe this isn't the right guild for you.

If you don't understand why something is offensive when an officer whispers you, feel free to whispers please. New members will not necessarily know what offends us and we must be careful not offend them just because they don't know us yet.

Remember some of us are not perfect...I mean NONE of us are perfect and occasionally need a do in whispers in a loving way if you feel the need to correct someone, but its best left to guild officers to do that if they are on.

"And they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love, and they 'll know we are Christians by our love." .....a line from a song I like.
What makes it a witch hunt ,is that the magority of these people that use the term "omg", would gladly stop using it . They would stop using it just by becoming aware that it bothers some of the people in here.But we are casting these people as being disrespectfull to God as using His name in vain. The Bible sais that Paul stated in Romans 14:1-23 "That if one person thinks something is a sin and and another doesnt belive it is a sin.That each person has to work it out between themselves and God. And Yet if that one thing causes the other to stumble then dont do it in the presence of the one it offends. ....Paul adresses this again in 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 only using meat sacraficed to an idol.......And I belive most people in here wont use that term. But "omg" is not automatically an irreverant statement to God to all christians. The intent of the heart determins if it is or not. And unless we ask the person ..we dont know.

We as a guild can say we dont want "omg" to be used in here and it wont be used . But us saying that people that use "omg" is always using the Lords name in vain is a witch hunt.
Young said:
But "omg" is not automatically an irreverant statement to God to all christians. The intent of the heart determins if it is or not. And unless we ask the person ..we dont know.

We as a guild can say we dont want "omg" to be used in here and it wont be used . But us saying that people that use "omg" is always using the Lords name in vain is a witch hunt.

I'm gonna put my guns away and pull out my boxing gloves...let's spar for a few.

Ask any random person what OMG means...ask them what OMFG with that information ask any Christian what the difference is...and guess what IF you aren't talking to're wrong.

Back in the day maybe OMG meant Oh My Goodness...but thanks to Satan's dabbling in our language...and perverting everything that could be or might have been deemed pure...but unfortuantely it doesn't mean that to many folks now. We can argue back and forth on this issue, but the fact remains is that it offends...we are wrapped around the proverbial axle as to whether or not it's wrong when the real issue is...does it lets get to the point.


Okay I really am done...

In the words of tennis players everywhere...

I think this thread, in the end, has shown that many people have varying degrees of how they take the acronym. I don't see it in guild chat often at all, for that matter, I rarely see any type of cussing. I don't believe this thread was started to debate whether it is right or wrong to be offended by it. Some people are offended and some people are not and this thread simply proved it.

Cussing in the guild has not been an issue at all. A few times somebody has said or typed something and an officer has responded. It almost exclusively involves people who are new to the guild, who have come from an environment where cussing is acceptable. There is no reason to jump down somebodies throat for cussing in guild chat, everybody slips up in some aspect in their life at somepoint in time. We are not perfect, nobody is.

If you honestly reflect on guild chat, you'll now that I speak the truth when I say that any type of cussing in guild chat is not an issue (in that it simply doesn't happen with any regularity at all). We all need to show some wiggle room when it does happen. You never know when something you say, on the off chance, may offend somebody.
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