Officially Quitting WoW. for real this time =P

Best Wishes and Blessings Quantam!

I hear what you are saying. I for one have a compulsive behavior issue, with games like WOW. I have to be very careful so it doesn't become a Sin...glutony specifically. Before WOW, DIABLO which was properly named for me became one, I got totally consumed by it, hours upon hours of runes and item making. Hours upon Hours of killing the lvl 1000 porcupine...then one day God opened my eyes to let me realize I had an addiction. I was so disgusted with my self, I logged on, gave my stuff away and deleted my account and walked outside to get some Sunshine and go cold turkey!

In the days and weeks and months before I left Redeemed & Stonemaul, I was raiding 5-7days a week, questing, crafting, playing the auction house, getting upset etc....hmmm this sounds familar. So to change my destructive behavior yet once again, but now with WOW, I set specific days/hours I can raid/pvp/quest etc in very small guild mostly made up of my coworkers with same hours and schedule as me; we struggle to fill a 10 man, but thats okay. Specific hours during week, min hours during weekend on ly IF I have done all or have no competing Real Life activities aka attend Church, actually go out with friends and visit family.... as you have stated, God takes note in what you do with your life; a gift that came at a very high cost.

John 3:16 (King James Version)
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.